How To Roast Frozen Vegetables

how to roast frozen vegetables


You had to figure, after reading yesterday’s post, that at some point this week I was going to take my son to The Cheesecake Factory for dinner.

The Cheesecake Factory BBQ Ranch Salad

It was a last minute decision yesterday, as in, I picked him up from school with the intention of turning left to go home but at the traffic light, he quickly convinced me to turn right to go to The Cheesecake Factory instead.

I didn’t mind of course since I rarely turn down the opportunity for my favorite salad and I hadn’t really prepared dinner for us anyway.

I did plan on cooking us something for dinner but I don’t need much advanced prep because I am real good at throwing together home cooked meals in a flash. Lately, the last-minute, maybe we are eating home but maybe we aren’t thing has been working even better for me since I stopped buying as many fresh vegetables in favor of frozen.

how to roast frozen vegetables

How to roast frozen vegetables. This might be the easiest, quickest and most importantly, delicious vegetable “recipe” ever.

I don’t even know if we can call roasting frozen vegetables a recipe since it involves doing so very little so instead, let’s refer to it as a technique.


Why roast frozen vegetables instead of fresh?

Frozen vegetables tend to be easier on the stomach. Fresh veggies are awesome but will often tie my stomach up in knots (and bloat me beyond belief) while my body goes through the breaking down and digesting process. Frozen vegetables when steamed, sautéed or roasted on the other hand do not cause me any discomfort.

Frozen = longer shelf life. You can have frozen vegetables on hand and use them when you feel like it/at the last minute without worrying about spoilage as you might when you have fresh produce waiting to be used in your fridge.

Cheaper. For the most part, you can grab bags of frozen veggies any time of the year for a really good price. Fresh produce is a bit more finicky. You gotta go with what’s in the season to get the best deal or at the very least, monitor your store circulars for the sale.

Nutrients. They say that frozen vegetables may contain higher concentrations of the ever important vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants because they are frozen at peak ripeness which locks in the nutritional value. True or not, let’s just go with it.

I absolutely love the texture and flavor of roasted frozen vegetables, especially broccoli.

The broccoli gets all crisp, just like fresh roasted broccoli with a tender bite minus any form of frozen mush texture which you may equate with frozen vegetables.

how to roast frozen vegetables

Besides broccoli, try roasting the following frozen vegetables:

  • String beans
  • Asparagus
  • Carrots
  • Cauliflower
  • Brussels sprouts

The How To Roast Frozen Vegetables Technique:

Simply place your frozen vegetables on a lightly greased oven-safe pan, spritz with coconut oil cooking spray (add seasonings if you desire but I honestly add nothing!) and roast in a 450-degree oven for twenty minutes.

You can switch it over to broil for a few minutes to add some extra crispness and voila, roasted vegetables.

I find it so interesting that I add nothing but the coconut oil cooking spray but I truly love the flavor and do not feel the need for extra spices and seasonings.

how to roast frozen vegetables

Let me know if you try this roasted frozen vegetable technique and which frozen veggies you find you like the best when roasted, okay?

[bctt tweet=”How to roast your frozen vegetables! #veggies #frozenfoods #recipe”]


Do you need to limit the number of fresh vegetables you eat too?

What did you have for dinner last night?

How many miles are you planning to run this weekend for your long run or are you running in a race?

how to roast frozen vegetables



Author: The Cookie ChRUNicles

Hi! I'm Meredith. Join me while I run and cook my way through single motherhood. It is always an adventure trying to teach my 12 year old son the benefits of an active lifestyle combined with healthy eating while of course, still leaving room for dessert.

40 thoughts on “How To Roast Frozen Vegetables”

  1. I’m a big fan of frozen veggies for all the reasons you listed and you can’t beat the convenience. Due to a thyroid disorder yes, I choose some veggies frozen over fresh.

  2. Thanks for sharing! This is so easy! Do they last in the fridge over a few days or would you say they should be served immediately?

    1. I wouldn’t know for sure since I eat them all at once (HA!) but if I were to guess, they would still taste yummy as leftovers, just not crispy unless you reheat in the oven. It’s worth trying out, I may do so myself!

  3. Roasted frozen veggies sounds to me like Frozen hot chocolate–an oxymoron, lol. But I bet they are fantastic, and the roasting would totally help evaporate the water.

  4. I will definitely be trying this out! I eat tons of roasted vegetables and always get bloated. Not to mention it gets pretty pricey buying so much produce!

  5. I’ve actually always wondered this and have never done it! The higher temp makes sense now that I think of it. I need to try the broccoli since I have to basically burn it anyway to make it digestible, this might be a better option 🙂

  6. A nutritionist that practices with me atthe yoga studio I go to says the same thing–that frozen is easier on digestion and full of more vitamins. I am trying this. Your on to something. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Let me know what you think and which veggies you like the best! Frozen is so much easier on my stomach that I have really been sticking to them over the fresh. Except for a few fresh roasted Brussels sprouts because I just love them 🙂

  7. Great post! I’ll have to try this out. I also love frozen brocc…so delicious! I actually have a race this weekend. It’s supposed to be rainy and in the 60’s…my perfect racing weather! have a great weekend 🙂

  8. I live on frozen vegetables. I always buy my broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, peas, etc. as frozen veggies so I can buy in bulk and store them. I will buy peppers and onions and celery fresh though. I had some sushi and steamed broccoli from take out ! 🙂

  9. K, I’m new to this whole vegetable thing. Ha ha! It’s only been recently that I’ve made an effort to eat them, and then I found out about how roasting broccoli makes it easier on my stomach, which was a life-changer for me. Now I need to try this frozen broccoli thing! Thanks Meredith!

  10. Really have to try this “technique” since, well, I never really though of it. IMostly abandoned frozen veggies because of the mushiness factor.

    I’m usually good w veggies, though broccoli was problematic; pretty much stopped cooking it at all. Broccoli rabe/rapini being my substitute. I’ve had good recent results with cauliflower and brussel sprouts so am planning to add broccoli back in and see what happens.

    Small, Hilly USATF Masters Only 10k Race Sat morning. Looking to match last year’s time of 46:57 which was good enough to be the 3rd scorer on our winning team. Temp looks good though there’s rain in the forecast.

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  12. OH my GOSH–I roasted a bag of frozen broccoli last night–per your exact instructions. SO so good and so much easier than buying fresh and worrying about using before it goes bad!! So today for lunch, I took the leftover broccoli (warmed), added some eggs, beet hummus and siracha—sounds SO random–but it was amazing!! Definitely on the frozen veggie train now!! YAY.


  13. I’m going to be up to my eyeballs in fresh vegetables soon, although the irony is I’ll end up freezing tons of them. 🙂

    I love roasted broccoli. The crispy little tips are the best part. I usually add olive oil, just a touch, some S&P, and a touch of Parmesan cheese because duh, cheese.

  14. I found this randomly through Pinterest looking for something to do with the bags of frozen broccoli and carrots in my freezer. I love roasted veggies and tried roasting after defrosting last week with so-so results. Never thought of roasting straight from frozen! Will give it a go. Thanks for posting this.

    1. Let me know how it goes! I make them every day! Add a drizzle of oil or use an oil cooking spray. I just love them and never really buy fresh veggies anymore at all! You can also add spices and seasonings to add additional flavor

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