All Sorts Of Random

pbj english muffin




I have selfish reasons for making peanut butter and jelly english muffins for other people:

1) It’s bonus time with an open jar of peanut butter 2) I like to lick the pb&j remnants from the knife after spreading them both on the muffin.

pbj english muffin

Remember when I agreed to allow my son the freedom to select any sugar cereal he wanted?

Here is this month’s box:

chocolately crunch cereal

Why doesn’t Target sell Waffle Crisp? That would have been my choice.

My Dessert of the Month Club delivery for August arrived yesterday!


I get so excited anticipating what the dessert delivery will be.

Yesterday afternoon, a big box of soft cookies arrived on my doorstep (chocolate white chip and snickerdoodle).

June’s Dessert Of The Month

July’s Dessert Of The Month

Packed in the box with each dessert is a newsletter which includes recipes and random information like this:

most popular desserts

I sort of agree with the rankings here but would probably list chocolate cake first, then chocolate chip cookies, then brownies and then fudge. Cupcakes would need to move up on my list as well to at least number five, if not higher.

Ice cream is really not in my top five, does that shock you?

In fact, I feel guilty for not showing you my son’s epic sundae from Saturday night even though I showed you mine so here it is.

brownie sundae

Massive and beautiful, right? Well, I couldn’t look at the photo for days because the thought of it was making me sick.

Let me explain.

I love dessert and definitely have a separate stomach for chocolate cake and cookies but ice cream is another story.

I can’t really tolerate full fat ice creams very well without feeling icky and sick which is why I load up on toppings and usually go for the low fat versions or frozen yogurt instead.

When I saw my son’s brownie sundae arrive, I had to have a few spoonfuls which, combined with my sundae (which was made with lighter ice cream), put me over the edge and left me not wanting to look at or eat ice cream for a really long time.

I knew I shouldn’t have had any of it but the brownies and hot fudge were calling me and I couldn’t help myself. The worst part is that I DESPISE chocolate ice cream so the after effect was that much worse and really not worth it.

I made Michele’s maple balsamic reduction recipe last night.

Instead of drizzling it over the suggested salmon, I used it on the chicken I made for my son and to flavor my brussels sprouts and roasted frozen vegetables.


Her recipe is super easy and delicious – definitely recommend it.

If I find myself unable to pay for my son’s Bar Mitzvah, it will be because I spent all of my money on the above Japanese sweet potatoes and the below kombucha which are both becoming expensive habits.


I learned a new word the other day and I am currently obsessed with it.


It’s like a really fancy/SAT-sounding way of explaining myself without sounding rude because most people won’t even know what misanthrope means.

I don’t avoid human society though, just pants when I can which is why this has always been my life quote.

hate everyone and pants quote

I wish I had known about this quote back in the day when I needed to select a quote for my high school yearbook picture.

Be sure to check out what everyone else is thinking about today!

[bctt tweet=”All Sorts Of Random Today #thinkingoutloud #icecream #cereal #dessert #cookies #pbj @runwithspoons @paleorunningmomma”]


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What are your top 5 desserts in ranking order?

Do you remember your high school yearbook quote?

Least favorite ice cream flavor?



Author: The Cookie ChRUNicles

Hi! I'm Meredith. Join me while I run and cook my way through single motherhood. It is always an adventure trying to teach my 12 year old son the benefits of an active lifestyle combined with healthy eating while of course, still leaving room for dessert.

29 thoughts on “All Sorts Of Random”

  1. American high school year books are beating ours. Well, technically, there are no year books but the graduating class produces some kind of huge newspaper/book with anecdotes, portraits, … We didn’t get to choose quotes, though. Though I should probably be happy about that because I couldn’t have made a decision. Too many choices for me.
    Maybe you should source out a store selling Waffle Crisp and take your son there next time convincing him it’s the cereal he wants ;)?
    I’m like you in loving to learn new words and idioms. It’s even more exciting as English isn’t my mother tongue. There’s so much to learn still!

  2. Okay your right, the sundae does look good, but man… I’m not so sure I could handle all that chocolate myself. Like you, I don’t care for chocolate ice cream. Brownies though.. Oh man! Game over!! I could devour a pan within a week.

  3. You know I am right there with you on the low fat ice cream options and then toppings. But I would choose low fat ice cream over cake and cookies, but together? C’mon that ain’t fair.
    And yes, Misanthrope is a fabulous word.

  4. Ooooh, that is my kind of sundae! In fact I have 10 miles sat & it’s supposed to warm up and I haven’t had a sundae since my last half in May . . .

    I would put brownies, cookies & cake at the top of my list. But I would never get a dessert of the month box — way too dangerous!

  5. Can we be misanthropes together? I have to say for me ice cream and ice cream Sundaes with lots of toppings would be number 1! That must be the Friendly’s girl in me 🙂 Dessert of the month club makes me happy, as does you loving the balsamic redux!

  6. I’m so surprised that fudge is listed as #1. What!? I NEVER eat fudge and I see lots of people eating desserts other than fudge all the time. I think their data is flawed.
    When I was in college, my parents bought me an SAT word a day book, and I remember misanthrope being a word! We would have to learn it and use it in a sentence that day. The learning never stopped in my family!

  7. Jell-O in the top 10… that’s weird to me. Haha. Like who eats Jell-O? Maybe I just worked in a hospital too long so I’m totally over it’s transparent jiggly self. And ummm send some of those cookies my way – IMO this is the best dessert of the month yet! Least favorite ice cream flavor – coffee… just can’t get into it. Have a fabulous Thursday!

  8. I had to laugh that Jell-O was on the list. Like… really? I get that people love the stuff (I went through a phase too), but I definitely wouldn’t count it as a dessert. Especially after spending too much time working in a hospital and seeing it all over the place. Ick.

  9. Ice cream is my number one dessert! I honestly think I could do without all other desserts as long as I have ice cream. With all the toppings and add-ins of course:)
    We had a terrible yearbook editor my senior year so none of the grads got to submit quotes with our grad pictures. Sad stuff!!

  10. I don’t remember what I wrote but I remember my ex husband’s quote (we were high school sweethearts): “No matter how much you shake and dance, the last drop always goes down your pants.”

  11. I don’t remember my yearbook quote but now I kind of want to go find it and see what is was! I don’t really like any berry flavored ice cream- which is weird because in general I like all kinds of berries but with ice cream I like to stick to chocolate, vanilla, and mint-chocolate chip. And other random fun flavors that I come across:)

    1. I don’t like berry flavors either. IN fact, as a kid, I avoided the strawberry part of the chocolate/vanilla/strawberry ice cream containers at all costs! Now, I am more opened to it but it’s not my first pick.

  12. My quote was the line from the Robert Frost poem about the road less traveled by. I love ice cream and am so lucky I can stomach the real, rich and creamy stuff in a reasonable portion, especially since I am GF and usually that’s my option at restaurants if I want to have dessert, although I think it would be higher on that list too, not just for me! Strange that fudge is first – it’s good but I didn’t think THAT much more popular than cake and ice cream.

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