Long Run On The Treadmill Workout Plan



New long run on the treadmill workout plan to share today!

The weather forecast for my long run tomorrow morning is looking perfect enough (temps in the teens but no snow or ice) which means I can run outside.

I am excited about this, of course, but if the weather by you isn’t going to be ideal for outdoor running, that does not mean you automatically skip your long run.


If you want your long run to happen bad enough and have access to a treadmill, you will learn to make a long run on the treadmill happy and work for you which is what I am here to chat about today.


Before I get to the long run pacing workout I followed last week on the treadmill, let’s talk about preparing for your long run indoors.

Long runs on the treadmill are similar in preparation to your outdoor long runs but there are a few things to note:

Dress for indoor running I said this last week but it’s worth remembering again.

It may be freezing and snowing outside but inside it is hot and you will warm up really fast.

Don’t forget your mid-run snack – I am totally guilty of this and sometimes I don’t know why.

I have to be super conscious of not only remembering to bring my jelly beans but remembering to put them in the front pocket of my waistband, not the jacket I am wearing because I won’t be wearing the jacket on the treadmill!

I also have to remember to start eating the jelly beans around mile six just like I do when running outside.

Bring water – I get thirsty much sooner when running indoors.

Think of your long run in smaller parts – For all of my long runs and ESPECIALLY on the treadmill, I group miles in my head, never thinking about the overall picture.

There’s nothing worse than saying to yourself, “I am at mile one and have 14 miles to go.”

Remember that most treadmills will shut off and restart at the 60-minute mark. 

I hate this because I like to be the one in control of my run and don’t want to stop because the machine says I have to!

To combat the problem, I will pick a mileage marker (let’s say every 5 miles) to voluntarily stop the belt before it can stop me.

At that point, I either restart the belt or take a minute to use the bathroom, take a drink or pop a jelly bean before starting up again.

By the way, there is nothing wrong with needing to stop at different points of your run. Of course, we don’t want to on race day but if you need to use the bathroom, adjust your shoes, take a drink or a breather, don’t force yourself to wait. Just stop and then start again. The less pressure you put on yourself, the better.

My biggest problem with running long on the treadmill is that I tend to go faster than I do outdoors.

Long runs are mostly about endurance, not speed.

Last week I created a long run on the treadmill workout plan for myself that would take into account my need to go a little slower while catering to my desire to go faster without overdoing it.

Remember to adjust the speeds below to what works for you.

long run pacing on the treadmill

You will note that I started the treadmill at my home pace, increasing slightly every so often with a push at the conclusion of each mile followed by backing off again.

This workout, when pushing more towards the end (around 8.0 instead of staying at 7.5) brought me to seven miles within seconds of the treadmill shutting off making this a great routine if you are trying to get seven miles accomplished in one hour.

Once you complete the first 60 minutes and if your treadmill shuts you down as mine does, simply restart the belt and this workout for as many miles as you have remaining.

And during those moments where you get bored/frustrated, repeat to yourself:

I want this. I am not stopping. Stopping short of my plan is not an option.

And if that doesn’t work, picture how good it feels when you are finished and enjoying your favorite post-run meal.

It works for me every time.

Click here if you missed last week’s treadmill workout.

See also:

Mental Breakdown of Routine Treadmill Run

Don’t Hate The Treadmill! (workout round up) 


How is the weather by you? Will you be running long this weekend indoors or outdoors?

True or False: Everything tastes better after a really long or hard run…

Are you off on Monday? Long weekend plans?



Author: The Cookie ChRUNicles

Hi! I'm Meredith. Join me while I run and cook my way through single motherhood. It is always an adventure trying to teach my 12 year old son the benefits of an active lifestyle combined with healthy eating while of course, still leaving room for dessert.

28 thoughts on “Long Run On The Treadmill Workout Plan”

  1. My longest treadmill run is 15 miles and I hope for that to be the longest, but I couldn’t agree with you more of breaking it up into smaller runs. I do the same thing. Anything to trick you mind helps. Happy Friday!

  2. I am hoping to get a run in tomorrow…not sure if it will be “long” by most standards but hopefully more than 6 miles. And the weather should be decent so I’m excited about that.

    I would have to say that statement is not always true because sometimes I just can’t handle food after a long run. But when I am starving, YES everything tastes better after a long run or hard workout!

    I am off on Monday and I am seeing my chiro again and then we have our pre-drywall meeting for our house, so hopefully will find out a little more about the timeline for everything! Not the most relaxing way to spend a day off, but still better than being at work:)

  3. That’s one thing I really notice about treadmill running is how much I sweat. It’s gross but also really cool, too. Like a science experiment. Ha! So yes, lots and lots of water.

  4. Not a runner, but everything tastes SO much better after a really intense workout. I have big plans to sweat it out early tomorrow morning before my kids wake up and someone needs something 🙂

  5. Treadmill running is such a mental battle for me. First because I can’t help but feel like I’m going to fly off the thing so my stride feels a little awkward, and second because I get bored and want to get off. But the beauty of the whole thing is that finishing a run like that always makes me feel so much more accomplished… like I’m a little more disciplined than I was before I started. And nowhere near as cold as I would have been if I tried to run outside 😆

    1. Each time I run on the treadmill and finish, for sure I feel accomplished. And, it reminds me that I can do it and do things I didn’t think I wanted to complete or do at all. I also found last year after a ton of treadmill running in the winter that it helped me become a better outdoor runner. The mental side of sticking to things that I didn’t want to do and the speed work inside made me faster outside.

  6. I’m a huge treadmill runner – it makes me happy and I prefer it for my early morning runs and any time it’s cold!!!
    Glad you have a plan for your long run!!

    1. Did my first comment post? Ugh, so frustrating sometimes! I was saying that the treadmill is a really great option especially when it’s super early, late, snowing or you just don’t want to go outside.

  7. I’m actually going to try and run outside tomorrow. But not a super long run. The roads around my house are really crappy right now in terms of ice/snow. Winter running = lots of loops in suburb streets!

    I still haven’t run more than 5.5K on a treadmill 🙂

  8. This is such a good idea. I’m filing this away b/c I have become a winter runner wuss and I went out and bought a TM last weekend for the times I am wussing out. Longest I have done on a TM was 10 miles. I was at the gym so I had people to watch and I listened to an audio book – that helped! And I DEFINITELY think of my long runs in smaller parts – even outside! For my 20 miler last year, it helped SO SO much to break it into 4, 5 mile increments!

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