Beat The Boredom Treadmill Running Series

treadmill running series



The weather this week has slowly led me to the treadmill.

It’s not a bad thing, really!

Of course I prefer the outdoors but I have reached the point where I want to say that I sort of like running on the treadmill and welcome the workout.

I did a bunch of posts last year which addressed different types of treadmill running workouts and decided that I should start a treadmill running series for us this winter so that we can find some positives to running indoors when the weather is less than welcoming outside.


I have a super fun, endorphin-producing treadmill running workout for you today which I completed on Wednesday but first, here are a couple of treadmill tips that have worked for me in order to run happy inside:

Stop the negative talk. We know you don’t want to run indoors but if you don’t have a choice, be positive about it. Going into your run stomping your feet, complaining and being negative will not help you.

Instead, smile and be grateful that you have somewhere to run.

Dress the part. Running indoors in the winter is not the same as running outdoors in the winter. If you choose to wear layers because it’s cold outside, make sure your base layer is short sleeves or a tank top because more than likely, you will warm up within minutes and want to strip down.

You don’t want to be overdressed where you end up uncomfortable and overheating.

Raise incline. Do not run flat. An incline of 0.5 – 1.0 is actually more comfortable than being at 0.0. Adding the incline will help you to get closer to the feel of running outside.

Complex Carbs. Regardless of where you run, your muscles need plenty of carbohydrates.

When I bumped up my carbohydrate intake, all of my runs improved and I saw a major difference in how my body handled the treadmill.

I used to get that heavy-legged feeling on the treadmill and I don’t get it anymore which I attribute to increasing the complex carbs in my diet – think more sweet potatoes, bananas, oatmeal –which have helped me to run faster, longer and recover quicker.

Wear the right running shoes. A lighter, cushiony shoe works really nice for me on the treadmill.

I can’t recommend which pair will work best for you but I know for me, a lighter shoe means I can move my feet better on the mill.

I alternate the Adidas Energy Boost And Hoka Cliftons – both light-weight compared to other neutral shoes yet super soft and cushiony with good support, especially to the heels.


Ready for your workout?


I call this a progression-style run because during each mile, you are starting slow and ending fast.

It’s fun, engaging and you will feel it!

Note: The paces shown are what I used and are for example only – your starting pace is up to you.

treadmill running workout

Find your starting pace. I call it my home pace — A pace that is comfortable but not lazy, easy but not a walk in the park.

An honest pace that you know you can keep up with, a safe zone for you to always drop yourself back to should you need to slow things down but this pace still has you showing up and working.

From that pace, every .10 miles push the speed button up one.

Once you reach the mile marker, drop your pace back down to the home pace and repeat.

I would love to see you repeat this progression-style run three times which would give you three sweaty endorphin-filled miles but of course, you can do less (or more!).

By the middle of the second mile, I was really feeling it!

For more running and workout ideas, check out my running page.

Have a terrific weekend!


How many of your runs were on the treadmill this week due to the weather?

Do you have specific running shoes that you like better for the treadmill than outside?

If you have bananas on your counter at the moment, how many days is it taking them to get ripe this week?!






Author: The Cookie ChRUNicles

Hi! I'm Meredith. Join me while I run and cook my way through single motherhood. It is always an adventure trying to teach my 12 year old son the benefits of an active lifestyle combined with healthy eating while of course, still leaving room for dessert.

32 thoughts on “Beat The Boredom Treadmill Running Series”

  1. Hey, great post! I think a lot of us have spent some time on the treadmill lately, so it’s great to spice it up a bit. It took me a long time to realize the incline thing–it really helps to mimic running outside. And I sure love me some carbohydrates. I’ll always obey commands to eat more of those!

      1. Okay so… I ate a bunch of whole wheat pancakes before my treadmill run, except they weren’t whole wheat, they were covered in butter and drenched in syrup. So… ya. The treadmill sucked as per usual but I have a whole lot of me to blame. Boo.

  2. Great thinking lady, a lot of treadmill running this week…..I am thankful this cold snap is timing with my 5 days off, so I am barely leaving the house hahahah! AS for bananas, I did notice they were green, and suddenly jumped to being REALLY ripe in a day, all 6 of them, we thought that was weird!

  3. Do you know that I did pretty much this exact workout when I was running on the treadmill in Michigan over the holidays?! Like the same paces and all. I would do my first mile in the low 6s and then start doing this progression around 6.7. It definitely kept me from getting bored AND got me running a little faster than I would if i just stayed at a comfortable pace. i also find it much less intimating to increase my speed gradually on the treadmill. I’m sure I will be doing this again in the near future!

  4. I found Tuesday during my tempo run that it makes it much easier mentally and the time go by faster if I’m constantly messing with the speed on the treadmill. I’m loving tempo runs on them.

  5. I managed to avoid the treadmill this week but I did get caught in a crazy snow storm this morning that seemed to come out of nowhere! Since I don’t have a treadmill I’d have to go to the gym to run on one and that always seems less appealing than braving the cold.

    1. I got caught in it too today! It wasn’t snowing when I started so I went outside, made it to four miles at which point the snow was pretty heavy and I couldn’t see so I ran inside to finish on the treadmill. The snow totally came out of nowhere in that it was a tiny flurry into a big snow!

  6. Haha..this comes as I just posted yesterday about my “dreadmill” run. Ah well…I agree with making the best of it though, it’s definitely easier to get through something you don’t prefer when you’re being positive for sure. I like the treadmill workout you posted because it keeps things interesting!

  7. “Instead, smile and be grateful that you have somewhere to run.” <– very much this. I can't say that running on the treadmill is my favourite thing to do, but it's a whole heck of a lot better than running outside when it's -25 out. And I think attitude is so, SO important. Looking at it from the perspective of gratitude is so much better than looking at it from the perspective of necessary evil. If I didn't have access to a treadmill, I probably wouldn't be able to run from November until April.

  8. These are great tips, especially the gratitude part of it. We’re lucky we even get to workout at all. Some people are not so fortunate.

    They have a Treadfit class at my gym, which is a treadmill workout, and it is the hardest workout I’ve done. It kicks my non-ass ass every time. I love it and hate it at the same time. Either way though, I always appreciate it.

  9. Love this workout. I have recently started reading with a Kindle on the treadmill, which makes it much more tolerable. Watching TV has just never worked for me, like it does for most.

    1. I very rarely watch the television that is smack in front of my face on the treadmill. I glance at it but am busy listening to music. Maybe it’s because I need my glasses to see the television well and I don’t wear them while running (which is also why I guess I never took to reading on there either lol).

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