Playing Hooky, a TJ Stop & Apple Recipe Roundup

lindas fudge cake


I really don’t like to fully write my posts in advance and never set them to publish ahead of time.

Of course there are certain topics which need development and I do spend time editing photos, working with PicMonkey images and sorting out my ideas into words that make sense but no matter what, I always edit, tweak and add something each morning before hitting publish.


Here I am right now sipping my first cup of french toast coffee as I talk to you.

I do often type out what I am thinking in lots of drafts just to get the thoughts and ideas out of my head and use my planner to list various topics that come to mind at random times so I don’t forget them.

This provides me with great topic outlines and I can either come back to further develop the posts, combine some ideas or just let them sit in my draft folder for months until the mood strikes again to fully discuss.

I don’t always use the posts I have loosely planned for the week but my brain feels better knowing that there is some sort of blog-plan should I want to follow it.

It feels so good to release the thoughts from inside which is something I devote an entire section to in my divorce and co-parenting ebook. (I feel the need to keep saying it’s almost done!)

Writing things down helps me to make sense of what I am thinking and makes me feel super organized as if I just cleaned out a closet.

And while blogging is something I like to keep a bit in-the-moment, I really do prefer to have things completed as far in advance as possible.

I never waited to study for an exam at the last-minute. In fact, the night before an exam was more like a short review for me.

If I didn’t know it by then, I wasn’t going to know it.

School projects and freelance work now —always done as soon as possible.

I don’t enjoy the feeling of  an assignment weighing on my mind and I live in fear of something interfering that would prevent me from fully dedicating myself to complete it on schedule.

The word interfere sounds like a bad thing but sometimes, good things can interfere.

Like a spontaneous opportunity to play hooky in the middle of the week at my favorite restaurant.


They made some sort of sculpture with the onion strings this time, can you tell?

In a moment’s notice, I was able to go out and play because I was already ahead of my own schedule.

I finished the work I needed to do in advance so I wasn’t operating with a deadline which meant freedom to enjoy a long lunch and share Linda’s Fudge Cake.

lindas fudge cake

I can only share if I have main access to the fudgy parts and chocolate chips.

I also stopped at Trader Joe’s since I was out of apples (I don’t even understand how this happened), berries, eggs, chicken cutlets (for my son), frozen vegetables, potatoes and most importantly, jelly beans for my long run tomorrow.

jelly beans

I picked up a box of these wannabe Good & Plenty licorice candies because I love black licorice and will totally look forward to them at the 6-mile mark tomorrow.

Or today. The weather forecast for tomorrow is looking snowy so I am currently on the fence over moving my long run to this morning instead. I needed to decide like five minutes ago about this.

I was really happy to see that Trader Joe’s had these big bags of organic granny smith apples for $5.49.

organic apples

It’s a great deal since it’s lots of apples, they are even organic and they are actually large in size rather than dinky small.

My good friend asked me yesterday for some of my apple and peanut butter snack recipes so just in case you missed them too, here they are:

Baked Oatmeal Apple Sticks

Apple Peanut Butter Pie Hummus

Peanut Butter Cup Apple Bowls

Apple Skins

And if you only have bananas, I just remembered my grain-free banana bread bites.

Have a terrific weekend!


Is it supposed to snow by you this weekend? How will you handle your long run? Outside, treadmill or move it to another day?

Do you wait until the last-minute to do things or like to get things done in advance?

Am I the only one who likes the taste of black licorice?

Author: The Cookie ChRUNicles

Hi! I'm Meredith. Join me while I run and cook my way through single motherhood. It is always an adventure trying to teach my 12 year old son the benefits of an active lifestyle combined with healthy eating while of course, still leaving room for dessert.

29 thoughts on “Playing Hooky, a TJ Stop & Apple Recipe Roundup”

  1. I’m an avid list maker. If it’s not written down there’s a good chance it won’t be remembered. When my kids need something they know their best chance for me to do it is to write a note and put it on my desk 🙂

    Snow this weekend but I’m optimistic that I can still do my long run outside. Fingers crossed.

  2. Glad you got to enjoy a special lunch out! I can completely relate to your weather situation. I have a long run planned for Saturday, which is also supposed to bring 3 inches of snow. Yuck! Still haven’t decided what to do.

  3. I sure hope it is not meant to snow here this weekend! I would cry, I am doing so well avoiding it! I totally agree about writing things down. I think it really helps to clear the mind, and make us feel like we are getting somewhere. I love it when I write posts that are just flowing out of my mind. Those are usually my favorites….and most loved by others. You have a lot of those….which is why you have a lot of love 🙂 Have a great weekend lady!

  4. I consciously put certain things off till the last minute— like packing. I make lists during the days beforehand but I will NOT pack until the night before. My dad always packed the morning of. That’s cutting it a bit close.

  5. I’m going to go ahead and say that you’re probably the only one who likes black liquorice — I’m not a fan of the stuff 😛 And I really need to get better at finishing things ahead of time. I like to have a general plan in place so that I know what I’m doing, but I usually wait until the last minute to actually execute it. I like to think I work well under pressure. But really… it’s still stressful!

  6. I did 8 this morning which will be my “long run” of the week. I feel like that gives me flexibility with the weekend depending on what happens. Im hearing sleet/ice/etc here but who knows what will happen. At least if I end up on the treadmill I can just do a few miles.
    I need to write posts the night before because I feel like in the mornings I am doing a million different things. If I wrote them in the morning I wouldn’t be able to read other blogs which is my favorite thing to do while drinking my coffee. I sometimes draft posts over the weekend and then finish them up the night before. I definitely feel better having things done ahead of time!

    1. That’s how I handled this morning – I ran I think 10 miles (my phone died of course so I don’t know for sure) and if I end up on the treadmill tomorrow, I will just do less/what I feel like. I wanted to get an outdoor run in before the snow or whatever it will be tomorrow – they just never know for sure! I heard as much as 6 inches and the possibility of it being rain/sleet/ice.

  7. Advance! I need to do it as soon as possible otherwise I get all anxious about it. I make lists like crazy in my notes section on my phone and in there I write down EVERYthing. Making lists has saved my life. Dramatic, I know.

  8. I’m so like you when it comes to posting, thoughts, drafts, ect…I hate having drafts! (Although I just started a draft last night…LOL) It’s like an unfinished project and I don’t like those. haha. I use my planner and notepad on my phone to jot down ideas, thoughts too, but then I need time to actually write the post to get all my thoughts in order the way I want them. So I feel ya. I have a quite a few posts I’ve been wanting to do that will be time-consuming b/c of this and I just keep adding thoughts and ideas to them lol. P.S. That salad looks AMAZING!

  9. I love TJ’s! I wish we had one closer, but I get to the one here every other week or so if I can! I like getting things done in advance, but am notorious for waiting until the last minute 😉 And I do NOT like black licorice!

  10. That piece of cake totally drew me in! It looks fantastic! I can’t get enough of chocolate lately :). Tomorrow I have a training run, but only a 7 miler and thank goodness the weather forecast looks good for tomorrow sunny and in the 40s!

  11. I’m a big fan of trader joes for most of my produce, every now and then I have to visit overly-expensive Whole foods for a speciality item, but most of the time TJ does the trick. I am also big fan of black licorice, I’ve never met anyone that shares this like but I know we are out there since it been around forever. Jelly beans while running? I’m impressed and jealous at the same time.

  12. I also like the taste of black licorice and I am not good about sharing any of my food! That’s probably one of the reasons I started cooking, so I could take the best stuff first 🙂 Not looking forward to the snow this weekend, can’t it be on a weekend we don’t have everything planned, including my race Sunday?!

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