Pure Barre On Demand Review (Pure Barre GO)

Pure Barre on Demand


This Pure Barre On Demand review post was written a few years ago. Pure Barre On Demand has since moved to Pure Barre GO, a platform that I am not exactly happy with so far. Log in doesn’t always work, the menu is unorganized and missing workouts, and customer support is nonexistent. Please read the below review though to see why do love Pure Barre and why the online workouts have been a favorite of mine until the move to Pure Barre GO. I will try to update this post again to note my feelings on the new Pure Barre GO Platform. 

As you know, I’ve been a Pure Barre addict since my first in-studio class way back in July 2014. Barre is my favorite form of strength training and an integral part of my workout routine. At this point, I feel as though Pure Barre is equal in my life to running!

I’ve been using the Pure Barre On Demand platform regularly now and would be lost without having it as an option at home!

Pure Barre on Demand

I have taken a ton of Pure Barre classes at the studio but favor the Pure Barre workout options from home for the last three years. I don’t want to spend too much time repeating my Pure Barre history so I am going to list those links at the end of this post. 

Before I get to the review, please DO NOT tell me that you aren’t the type to workout from home. I said the same thing before starting Pure Barre workouts from home in 2014. However, I gave it a shot and immediately fell in love with the concept, the price, the workouts, and flexibility. In the process I learned to enjoy the Pure Barre workouts from home even more than in-studio classes!

Pure Barre On Demand

I was beyond thrilled to be offered the opportunity to beta-test the new Pure Barre On Demand in the spring before it was released early this past summer. For a few years at least, I had been rotating the same five Pure Barre DVDs plus two online workouts. As you can imagine, over time those same workouts were starting to feel repetitive.

My Pure Barre routine is no longer repetitive since starting Pure Barre On Demand!

For a monthly fee, Pure Barre On Demand offers you an extremely wide variety of Pure Barre workouts which you can access from anywhere using your computer, tablet, or phone.  The workouts range from 5-minute workouts to 60-minute workouts, in the form of recorded live class structure as well as former favorite workouts from DVDs and the original Pure Barre streaming online workouts.

I thought I would be doing a Pro’s and Con’s list but I honestly have no Con’s to report!

Why I Love Pure Barre On Demand:


No joke, I can’t really say that I often repeat any of the Pure Barre workouts aside from the quick 5 minute options. There are just SO MANY workout choices that repeating the same workout really doesn’t happen often.

The menu is easy to navigate and organized well. They even have some of the old DVD’s available as well as the online workouts (like Pure Results and Tone in 10) that I would pay a yearly price to have access to in the past.

pure barre on demand

If I do repeat a 30 minute or 45-minute workout, I never fully realize that it’s a repeat. This is because there are seriously so many options and variations to the workouts that they always seem different.

Even though the classes follow the Pure Barre routine structure (abs, arms, thighs, seat, core), each workout option is slightly different because it varies the actual exercises in each sequence.

What I really love about Pure Barre On Demand is that many of the workouts are recordings of live class settings. The DVD’s and prior online workouts were not live class settings, they were one instructor with two assistants.  For some reason, I really enjoy this difference in class structure!

pure barre on demand

Always Updating.

The fact that Pure Barre On Demand is always updating and adding new workouts contributes to the variety factor. Every Friday I receive an email with a new workout that has been added to the On Demand menu. Seriously, you just can’t get bored! I am always so excited when I see the email to learn what was added – some weeks it’s a longer workout and sometimes it’s the shorter workouts.

Like the email says, you never plateau with Pure Barre. The workouts never feel easier, you just get stronger. Trust me, each and every time you feel the burn.

30 minute pure barre workout


Access From Anywhere.

You can take your Pure Barre workouts with you anywhere since it loads on your computer, phone, or tablet! I use my computer most of the time but it’s nice to be able to move my laptop from room to room if I can’t always do the workout in my living room.

Pure Barre On Demand is perfect for traveling because you can set yourself up in a hotel room or wherever you are – you do not need a lot of room for Pure Barre!

pure barre on demand seat workout


I can’t even complain about the price. While I signed up during a special promotion period at $14.99 a month, the usual price of $29.99 is way cheaper than paying for in-studio classes. I think one class at the studio is $25!

And, if you plan to do a few Pure Barre workouts a week, the On Demand price is extremely minimal when you break it all down.

There’s no question that I recommend Pure Barre On Demand. You can work out whenever you want, from wherever you are and find a workout to fit your needs.

Quick Notes:

Currently, there are no cardio Pure Barre classes available through Pure Barre On Demand. I know they just started a new one in the studio (Empower) so hopefully, it reaches the On Demand menu at some point!

I still recommend taking in-studio Pure Barre classes before starting Pure Barre workouts from home. It’s helpful to receive the feedback from the instructor in-person to ensure you have your positioning correct before doing barre workouts on your own. While I’ve never taken another barre class other than Pure Barre, my guess is that a background in barre would help you with adjusting to the Pure Barre technique at home.

As far as what you need to do Pure Barre workouts from home, the list isn’t lengthy. A light set of free weights is recommended but you can make do with water bottles, canned food, or even go without weights. Some of the workouts involve those circular tube things but I don’t have one and don’t plan on getting one.

Most of the workouts do not use the little red ball, a dish towel works for the towel-required exercises, I don’t use a yoga mat at home and sticky socks are not necessary (unless your feet get cold).

Pure Barre On Demand


Pure Barre Posts Of Interest:

Results From Pure Barre – A common search term, I try to address the topic.

Your Pure Barre Questions Answered– I answer the most common questions I’ve received regarding Pure Barre and Pure Barre from home!

3 Year Pure Barre Anniversary – This post breaks down my Pure Barre history with links to posts such as my first class, why I signed up as well as class reviews.

Pure Barre Pure Results (focus on seat) Review-  One of my most popular posts! A good review of the 65 Minute workout which used to be a yearly fee online class but is now available through Pure Barre On Demand.

Pure Barre Pure Results (focus on thighs) Review- This 60-minute workout which also was once a yearly fee online workout is also available through Pure Barre On Demand.

Pure Barre Platform Review – This was the original cardio Pure Barre class from last year. I didn’t love it but should probably try the new one, Empower.

[bctt tweet=”Pure Barre On Demand Review! #purebarre @pure_barre #barre” username=”cookiechrunicle”]

This post was not in any way sponsored by Pure Barre! 

Do you have any questions about Pure Barre or barre for me? Any specific questions about Pure Barre On Demand?



Author: The Cookie ChRUNicles

Hi! I'm Meredith. Join me while I run and cook my way through single motherhood. It is always an adventure trying to teach my 12 year old son the benefits of an active lifestyle combined with healthy eating while of course, still leaving room for dessert.

7 thoughts on “Pure Barre On Demand Review (Pure Barre GO)”

  1. I definitely enjoy Pure Barre but I never stick with it consistently. I think I do better with lifting heavier weights even though I know you can still get a really good workout from these classes! Maybe Ill add it back in one of these days.

  2. Ok wow this sounds amazing; I love variety. Every time I do a video workout at home it’s always a different one. I would love to do something like this. I’m going to have to save up for it!

  3. Sorry if I missed this, but do you use a wall mounted Barre for on demand? Is it feasible to use a chair? Thanks,

    1. Hi! So no, I do not have a wall mounted barre in my house. You can totally use a chair or stand near a wall for a lot of the exercises! I use a ledge from a counter in my house but a chair is perfect too. It’s really easy to do the workouts from home! I just love it 🙂

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