Lunch With Michele At The Little Beet

The Little Beet


I love that it is already Tuesday even though it feels like Monday!

Three day weekends certainly help to make the week go that much faster which is super important this time of year when you are looking forward to enjoying some warm weather fun.

Although, even with my pool opened and my beach pass waiting to be used, you can still find me in the mall just like I was on Saturday….with Michele!

You may know her simply as Paleo Running Mama but now I truly know her as Michele. There’s nothing like meeting one of your blogger friends (blends) in person and liking them just as much in person as you do from this interesting thing called the internet.

I knew I would like her by the way. I read her blog every morning so I just felt like I already knew her so well. We are both mothers with similar parenting styles not to mention we are both runners and runners just understand each other.

I was so happy to see her after my 15-mile run on Saturday because she listened to the recap of my run, how I thought that maybe my Adidas Energy Boosts were sort of maybe upsetting the bottom of my toes for a brief minute and how I felt like I was done with the run at mile three yet without issue continued for another 12 miles.

These things only make sense and sound normal to other runners. I know I sound crazy otherwise.

All of this crazy runner chatting took place in front of the pants section at Lululemon as we touched each pair, discussed the specs and asked the Lulu girl to take our picture which was the normal thing to do <– normal to us that is, not so much to the employees.

paleo running mama

We met at Roosevelt Field Mall which is here in New York. Even though Michele lives in New Jersey now, she isn’t far at all and is originally from the area so this mall is technically her old stomping ground anyway!

Our plan was to shop around and have lunch in the new Dining District otherwise known as a mall food court.

There are so many great new food options in the dining district, including my favorite vegetarian spot Maoz, but I fought off the urge to eat the same thing I always eat so that Michele and I could both try The Little Beet.


Linking up with Sara for Tried It Tuesday so be sure to check out what everyone else is trying today!

The Little Beet has two locations in Manhattan and is known for serving, “good food deliciously.” All menu items are gluten-free and are inspired by season, local and natural ingredients.

The Little Beet

Since Michele follows a Paleo lifestyle and I live the meatless life, The Little Beet was a great choice because we could both enjoy what we love.

The Little Beet offers lots of healthy proteins, both vegetarian and not, such as tofu, salmon, chicken and steak.

Their roasted vegetable selection reminds me of the Whole Foods food bar which is certainly not a bad thing.

The Little Beet

They offer a ton of salad options and/or you can create a meal by selecting your protein and then choose your side dishes.

The side dishes included kale, roasted broccoli, a roasted cauliflower (I didn’t love the seasoning), string beans and sweet potatoes. They also had a few side “salads” which to me count as my proteins such as lentil, quinoa and a chick pea-type dish too.

I ordered four sides as a meal and chose the sweet potatoes, kale, roasted broccoli and a lentil salad.

The Little Beet

I sampled the quinoa salad before ordering but didn’t like it probably because it contained mint.

The sweet potatoes were terrific!

sweet potatoes

As for the price, it wasn’t cheap (about $15) but it was really good.

I know Michele enjoyed what she ordered too (salmon with a salad and some of the roasted veggies too) but you can check out her review by clicking here.

I can’t wait to get together with Michele again soon (we have some plans in the works!) not to mention, Arman made the big move from Australia to NYC which means we need to meet up with him too!

If you’re in our area, let us know! It’s always fun to meet other blogging friends 🙂

In case you missed my other “Dining District” reviews:



[bctt tweet=”Lunch with Michele at The Little Beet @paleorunningmama @scranberry33 #triedittuesday #thelittlebeet #blend #bloggers”]


Which mall do you frequent the most?

Does your mall have healthy food options?

Ever met a blog friend (blend) in real life?








Author: The Cookie ChRUNicles

Hi! I'm Meredith. Join me while I run and cook my way through single motherhood. It is always an adventure trying to teach my 12 year old son the benefits of an active lifestyle combined with healthy eating while of course, still leaving room for dessert.

25 thoughts on “Lunch With Michele At The Little Beet”

  1. Felt the exact same way about you, I mean how could we NOT like each other immediately! I joked in my post that we were the annoying slow walker people in the mall, but there was too much to talk about 🙂 I didn’t even realize at the time that the whole menu was gluten free but that is such a cool feature of that place. Perfect in every way, except for the $ of course!

  2. Woof, that is pretty pricey! But it is great that they had options for you both, and that everything is gluten free so that you can enjoy everything. The closest thing that we have to a mall is Water Tower Place, and they have my favorite salad bar 😀 It is truly incredible!

  3. Roosevelt Field will always be my mall…nothing else feels the same after spending so many years there! As I told Michele, I used to eat at Wendys everyday when i worked at the mall in HS an college. But back then I don’t even think there were “healthy” options! I am going to be in NY twice over the next month but literally will have no time to do anything besides the weddings and graduations that I am going to. I need to plan a weekend to head up there and just relax (or maybe run a race!)

  4. That mall sounds so great! The one that I usually go to has become really fancy in the last few years since Nordstrom came in. The food court is still pretty bad and doesn’t have any healthy options, but a Panera is coming soon!

  5. I actually don’t go to malls very often, but the closest/best mall to me would be the Westchester Mall. I am usually not a fan of food courts or fast food, but I know that they do have a Ben & Jerrys! I’ve never met a blog friend in real life, but I did yell out my car window at the Boston Marathon to Jen from Jenchoosesjoy to let her know I read her blog! Haha. Hope you have a great day! : )

  6. I already mentioned this to Michele, but I wish you guys were at Blend! Or at least that we’d all be able to hang out. One day. Ooooone day. And The Little Beet looks like it would be right up my alley. We have a a few places like that around Edmonton, but I don’t go out to eat all that often because… I like my own cooking better 😛

  7. Sounds like a blast! I’m not a huge fan of the mall and when I do have to go, I don’t linger. I get in and out as fast as possible. Plus, Canada just doesn’t have the options for food (or shopping) that you guys have down there. Very unrewarding!

  8. Loveee hanging out with blog friends! People always look at you like you’re nuts when you ask them to take pictures, but bloggers get it. Plus, it’s like free advertising for lululemon! We need to catch up later 🙂

  9. That is so awesome you finally met in person! My mall is remodeling the food court, so I hope they add in healthier options. There were not any before, which was really annoying! I want the options yours has. 🙂

  10. I cannot wait to meet you guys- i can already picture it, we’ll be discussing parfaits and how pie face is an embarrassment to Australia.

    So glad you guys found something that suited BOTH your tastebuds- I know I would have been a fan!

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