Talking pedicures, Red Mango, motherhood & More

red mango


Last week it was gumballs making me smile. This week I have moved on to nail polish.

nail polish

I get real excited when I encounter a wall full of pretty polishes! But lately, as much as I love getting a pedicure, I have become overprotective of my feet.

I think it’s the runner in me on guard, afraid someone will mess with my toes the wrong way and affect how I run. Sounds nutty, I know, but it’s all I can come up with to explain why suddenly I spend my pedicure directing the nail technician not to file so much, please don’t cut my cuticles, be gentle on the scrubbing…who have I become?!

Pedicures used to be my happy place! It’s a good thing I still look forward to Red Mango…

red mango

I actually had lunch at Red Mango twice in the last few days which makes me extremely happy because I can load up on fresh blueberries all I want which is not something I can do at home since I still can’t locate them in the grocery stores for a decent price!
Red Mango

I am so honored that Red Mango knows me so well that when looking at a picture of two parfaits, they are able to pick which one is mine!

Red Mango


So my Islanders lost the other night in the seventh game against the Capitals. Season over.

You should also know that shortly after the season-ending playoff loss, my son decided to randomly come down with a stomach virus.

Why does it always seem that stomach bugs hit late at night when you are going to sleep?

Please continue to pray that I do not catch it, not only because it’s the absolutely worst but because I have a half  marathon to run on Sunday!

It’s been a long while since my son has been sick to the point where he actually needs me.

Immediately I was thrown back into mommy mode, reminiscent of those baby/toddler days when he needed me a whole lot when I wanted to sleep; first when nursing and then when sick in the middle of the night. I really don’t know how I did it, how I hardly slept and even worse, how I slept and got woken up with no choice but to cater to his needs.

I will admit though, it was pretty cool to see that as deep asleep as I would fall the other night in between his moments of sickness, my mom instinct knew when to wake up and run to him because he was up and needing me.

Or maybe it was my cleaning instinct that alerted me to get the heck up before he was sick on the carpet.

I can’t help but #TBT for a second back to the summer of 2005…


That little bunny face gets me every time. Bunny has been my son’s nickname since a few days after he was born (like Benjamin Bunny). I still call him bunny and since he responds without noticing, I have no plans to change things.

My bunny must be on the mend from this virus because the other night when I needed to be in the city for that event, he sent me this text after mapping out the location of the venue I was at in Manhattan.


Is he my child, or what?

I wish I could say that I am happy about today being the last day of April because normally I like May.

I love Mother’s Day, the warm weather, the approaching start of pool/beach season and that June is on the horizon which means my birthday (June 5th!) but right now, all I can think about is that today is the last day of April which means it is the last day of my free Panera coffee.

panera coffee

Be sure to check out what everyone else is thinking about today!

[bctt tweet=”Talking pedicures, Red Mango, motherhood and Magnolia Bakery @Redmango #thinkingoutloud @runningwithspoons @magnoliabakery #bananapudding”]


If you are a runner, do pedicures ever bother you? What color is on your toes now? I got Essie Off The Shoulder!

What are you looking forward to in May?

Ever been to Magnolia Bakery? We really like the banana pudding 🙂







Author: The Cookie ChRUNicles

Hi! I'm Meredith. Join me while I run and cook my way through single motherhood. It is always an adventure trying to teach my 12 year old son the benefits of an active lifestyle combined with healthy eating while of course, still leaving room for dessert.

30 thoughts on “Talking pedicures, Red Mango, motherhood & More”

  1. Oh my gosh my feet were RUINED 2 weeks ago during my pedicure. All my cuticles were cut and my nails were trimmed TOO short! I should have waited until after this week’s half marathon! Ooops!

  2. I think the gumball–nail polish segue is a natural one, for sure, they definitely look like it! I would not suggest ingesting, that said. I wonder what we will end up nicknaming our child. Likely something completely scarring. And Magnolia is my friend Courtney’s absolute #1 bakery–I sent her cupcakes for her first marathon (as in set it up way ahead of time) which was supposed to be NYC (she lives in NYC and Greenwich). And then Sandy happened. SO she got her cupcakes, but not the marathon….

  3. I used to ask my mom to pick me up food stuff all the time as well. Heck, I still do if I know she’s in the grocery store and I only need 1 or 2 things. And I honk what I’m looking forward to most about May is Blend… I wish you could be there!

  4. Just want to say good luck in you half this weekend. I am running the Half Marathon in Pittsburgh after the 5K on Saturday.
    FYI: My birthday is June 4th!!!!!

  5. I love pedicures but they do mess up our runner feet. I need to get one soon.. my feet need some love haha your son’s text cracked me up. That’s something I’d totally do to my mom… except she doesn’t go to cool places so she wouldn’t be able to bring me back food. Once again, you win the best mom award 😉

    1. I love how you think I am a great mom, makes me happy 🙂 He does crack me up though! Modern technology certainly assists kids today in asking/getting what they want. I didn’t even know there was a Magnolia in the area where I was!

  6. I’m sure my heart will always break a little when any of my kids are sick no matter how old they get. Glad he’s getting better! I’m the same way with my feet and don’t love pedis because of it, I rely on my calluses and don’t like to risk them being messed with. Also Drew’s middle name is Benjamin 🙂

    1. We both have great taste in boy names 🙂 My son is definitely better, hopefully I am on the mend too for tomorrow. Ugh I can’t even believe it! I think I can do it, I think I can do it.

  7. Pedicures have always been tricky for me because as a ballet dancer growing up, the teachers would warn us against them (they might wreck those hard-earned calluses, after all!) So running is actually a little easier for me in the amount I have to ‘watch’!

  8. Omg, my feet are GROSS. They don’t smell, which is their only saving grace but the callouses on the bottoms of them? They’re actually sharp. They hurt people. It’s unreal.

  9. I used to work in Midtown and would walk by Magnolia Bakery in Bloomingdale’s every day. It took some serious self restraint to not go in. Everything is so delicious.

    I NEVER get a pedicure before a race. Mainly because I fear my toenails will be clipped in a weird way and I’ll get an unsuspecting blister… but I ALWAYS get a pre and post-race reflexology massage 🙂

    1. Agree – no pedicures too close to a race or even the day after. My feet are too sensitive! I would have trouble working that close to that Bloomingdales in general – bakery or not! lol

  10. I just figured out today that I had the unlimited cup at Panera too! A little late… 😦 Bummer. I don’t really drink coffee, but I might have if I knew it was free!

  11. Definitely looking forward to a barefoot mile we get to do on May 23rd! Have you ever run barefoot? I’ve only ever run on the track barefoot or on a treadmill, so this will be a new experience. We’re raising money for a ministry that saves girls from human trafficking. At least it’s for a good cause!!!! 🙂

  12. Sorry to hear your son came down with a virus, but judging by his text, he’s feeling better already. Hopefully you didn’t catch anything before the big race today and that your watermelon fueled you fantastically. I love fruit for hydration too. It can be sooo refreshing, especially this time of year.

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