Dinner At Landmarc NYC (WIAW)



I am slightly short on words today after yesterday’s post. Not because I don’t have what to say, more because the response was so positively overwhelming that I am just sitting here unable to figure out exactly how to say thank you all for being so kind and for recognizing my strength in a situation that was not easy.

It’s funny (here come the words) because that post was not easy to write at first. It took me a few days to figure out how to get my feelings organized (thank you running for helping me do that) but once the post was complete, I felt so much better. Just another reason I love to write and run. Both activities somehow work together to keep me the happily balanced person that I am every day (coffee helps too).

Can we talk about food now? I had lots of good food yesterday after publishing my post!


It may be lighter in the morning lately but not light enough to get a decent picture of my early morning bowl of oatmeal.

I have taken to photographing my oatmeal right outside my front door this week to see if it makes a difference but I am pretty sure all it’s doing is making the neighbors think that the blonde girl who runs every morning in circles without saying hello is not only unfriendly, but weird now too.


You know how I love my Healthy Skoop, right? I received their new Plant-Based All-In-One Nutritional Shake in both the chocolate and vanilla flavors and have been busy playing around with it. Watch for a giveaway soon!

Healthy Skoop Green Smoothie

In the smoothie mix:

  • Cold, cooked oatmeal
  • Frozen banana
  • 1 scoop of Skoop
  • Handful of spinach
  • Peanut butter
  • Almond milk

Changing up the coffee location this week from Panera to Starbucks. We won’t talk about the red cup debate but I think it could use a snowflake or something. My friend Meaghan said she would give me some stickers to decorate my cup if it would make me happy.

starbucks red cup

I tend to eat things on repeat so this week it’s been Dr. Praeger’s Veggie Burgers with roasted rainbow carrots and roasted cauliflower for lunch.

Dr. Praeger's Veggie Burger

Watermelon has been needed lately even though we technically aren’t in watermelon season anymore. It just quenches my thirst the best so I ate this container while in the grocery store before I even got up to the register.


Dinner in the city last night at Landmarc because every divorcee should celebrate their former wedding day in high style.


Manhattan at sundown; I love my city.

Landmarc has lots of vegetarian options so I went with the farro and roasted seasonal vegetables after a salad which is unpictured.

I will now be heading to Trader Joe’s today for a package of farro because it was unbelievable and must be replicated tonight.

dinner at landmarc

I did not get great pictures but we also had a special side dish which included roasted kale sprouts with dried cranberries and toasted almonds.

dinner at landmarc

Of course we had dessert but I was way too excited to take a picture when they brought over the tray which included one of each dessert from the menu.

Here’s what I had:

landmarc dessert menu

It’s always nice when they include desserts like lemon tart or tiramisu because it leaves something on the tray for the other people with me to eat as I really don’t care for either. But I tasted those anyway while polishing off the rest 🙂

[bctt tweet=”Yesterday’s meals including dinner at LANDMARC #WIAW #LANDMARC #NYC #divorce #anniversary @healthyskoop”]

Be sure to check out what everyone else is eating today!


Are you a fan of farro? How do you like to prepare it?

Which desserts from the dessert menu would you have looked forward to eating?

What have you been eating for lunch lately?


Author: The Cookie ChRUNicles

Hi! I'm Meredith. Join me while I run and cook my way through single motherhood. It is always an adventure trying to teach my 12 year old son the benefits of an active lifestyle combined with healthy eating while of course, still leaving room for dessert.

36 thoughts on “Dinner At Landmarc NYC (WIAW)”

  1. I usually try to avoid looking at dessert menus since there’s rarely anything I can eat on there so I try not to torture myself 😛 But I could totally go for an eclair right about now. And the whole red cup thing has me baffled. I’ll admit I find them a little boring, but I don’t so much see it as an attack on Christmas. Like.. what? 😯

  2. LOVE the one of each options. I always wanted to go to Landmarc when I lived there. I heard such great things! I would have been all about the blueberry crumble. Tiramisu is too rich for me. And soggy lady fingers are gross

  3. YES! I am so glad I’m not the only one who has stepped outside their front door to photograph their food. I too have done that in the past. Not anymore.. but I have! 🙂

  4. My neighbors most definitely think I am absolutely crazy with the amount of times they’ve seen me running outside, taking a quick pic of my bowl of oats, and running back in the house. Ah well!! And kale sprouts!? So cool!!

  5. Personally, I think the red cup debate was a bit silly. And, you can still get watermelon? Was it good? I’ve never had faro, so I guess I wouldn’t be able to share an opinion on it. That nutella eclair sounds really good to me, as does the blueberry crisp. Anything that has fruit with a ‘carbish’ topping on it is always a favorite of mine.

  6. I’m glad I’m not the only one who goes outside to photograph their food! In the summer I shot all my food photos outside on our porch, including the ones for my e-cookbook, and neighbors would ask me what I did for a living to be taking photos of food with a fancy camera all the time.
    Farro is so good! I used to serve it with salmon and roasted veggies all the time – yum!

  7. I love that “one of each” was an option for dessert, how great is that? 🙂 The dessert menu is always the first part of the menu I look at 😉 Hope you enjoyed.

  8. Hi,

    Most of the things you’ve mentioned in this post are not available here ( except the one which you can prepare at home) or you can get almost every where, like water melon. I love watermelons but as winter is around so it will be bit difficult to find them and to be specific winter is not even the season for enjoying water melon.

    Anyways, good to know that you enjoyed your meal so much.


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