Running Long Is More Mental Than Physical (workout recap!)

workout recap running pure barre


It feels a little bit weird to share my workout recap today since I didn’t run long yesterday.

But it was raining! The super heavy torrential flooding kind of raining! A misty rain I can handle, flooding downpours I cannot do.

My plan is to run long today but probably not more than 10 miles. Lately, the mental side of running long is missing from my usual routine.

It’s not that I can’t run long, it’s that I really don’t feel like running long.

This is not a hateful loss of interest type of mood that I’m in, it’s a feeling of I have better things to do and running long is whatever distance I feel like for today which translates into not wanting to go more than 10 miles too often anymore.

It’s always possible that I change my mind while I am outside and I’m grateful that I’m so well adapted to running over 10 miles that I know I can if I want to without preparation. I swear that running long is more mental power than physical power most of the time!

My guess is that my running long mood will change back so long as I don’t push it, you know?

The rest of the week was great though, even if at times the humidity was crazy high. With school over for my son (and his summer teen tour about to begin!!) my running schedule is much more relaxed time-wise. I don’t need to rush out the door and that alone feels terrific. 🙂

workout recap running pure barre

Monday – 5 Miles/Pure Barre Arms

The air was so incredibly humid that I don’t even know how I made it 5 miles. It was really tough! I came home for a quick Pure Barre Tone in 10 for arms.

Tuesday – 8 Miles

I checked the weather before heading outside to see 70 degrees with 100% humidity. Really?

It was overcast so at least there was no sun shining yet still, I fought for this run like you don’t even know. My breathing was so labored which is not something I ever notice at all! I wonder if the dog walkers around me noticed I was panting like their pets.

I just kept reminding myself that I was in no rush and not really on a schedule so I had time to run my 8 miles.


Wednesday – 5 Miles/Pure Barre

They said the humidity was down but I still felt it! Any time I tried to move faster, I definitely felt my breathing. I guess it will take some more time to adjust to running in the summer weather.

After 5 miles, I came home to combine two Pure Barre 10 minute workouts. One was full body and one was strictly for the seat.

Thursday – 8 Miles

The sun was shining and the humidity was down which I noticed immediately! It felt so nice.


Friday – 30 Min Pure Barre/30 Min Running

My 30/30 days are my favorite!

I chose a 30 minute Pure Barre workout (using a towel as resistance) and then went outside to run. The humidity was HIGH so 30 minutes was more than enough.

My 3 mile plan was: one warm up, one with effort, one easy and then kept going to the 30 minute mark.

3 mile splits

Saturday- Gym Day

I knew in advance that it was going to rain really heavy so mentally I knew I was putting off my long run until Sunday. This actually worked out FINE because I wasn’t in the mood to run anyway! In fact, I think I was a little sore from Pure Barre on Friday so I went to the gym instead for some easy minutes on elliptical machine plus jumping jacks and minimal time with upper body free weight exercises.

gym day

Sunday – Long Run?

I figure I will recap this run in tomorrow’s post! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

[bctt tweet=”running and pure barre workouts from the week! #running #run #runner #purebarre #gym @pure_barre” username=”cookiechrunicle”]

How do you feel about running long lately? Do you go through phases with your long run distances?

How is the weather by you?


Author: The Cookie ChRUNicles

Hi! I'm Meredith. Join me while I run and cook my way through single motherhood. It is always an adventure trying to teach my 12 year old son the benefits of an active lifestyle combined with healthy eating while of course, still leaving room for dessert.

6 thoughts on “Running Long Is More Mental Than Physical (workout recap!)”

  1. When I woke up yesterday there were torrential downpours but they passed and by 6:30 the sun was shining. The most humid run for me this week was Thursday. On Friday it had cooled off a bit and was even drizzling a little while I was running which felt good. Hope you have a good long run today!

  2. I think it’s normal for our running to go in phases. I was keeping my mileage up from about October through March as I ran 3 half marathons during that time. I’ve since cut way back on mileage and it’s been super refreshing both physically and mentally. It might do you good to cut back for a little while. I live in Houston so my run yesterday was done in 79 degree heat with 94% humidity at 4:30 am. Is it October yet?

  3. You have become very well balanced and relax in your life style and living mindset toward living a good life in general so it’s no surprise that your running follows suit. It’s such a beautiful thing to see and nice you share it with us. I am so relaxed and easy going at this stage in my life–took me long enough to get here! I am a “continuous thinker” which can be very mentally tiring so working on quietude of the mind. Nothing a long weekend at Canyon Ranch wouldn’t cure. Have a beautiful day.

  4. I’m always super impressed with your dedication to your workouts, especially running, but I was actually always wondering, you don’t seem to take a lot of rest days. Do you ever find that you’re burned out at all, or do you just feel like you don’t really need rest days most weeks? I’d love to know!

    1. I think because I don’t push my pace on easy days (or really, don’t push most of time) and/or do active rest days with pure barre, I handle the balance fairly well! I don’t know really but it works for me somehow as I’m never injured and feel well ( knock on wood!). As far as burned out, as soon as I get a hint of that feeling, I run less or don’t run. I’m planning a few rest days this week while away if that counts!

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