Routine, Real Life & Recent Eats

red mango parfait



I tried really hard last week to find my working groove again. You know how hard that can be after a holiday break, right?

But it was time!

It was time to get back into routine, for my son to go back to school and for the holiday season to just be over already and real life to resume.

I found my way back to working from Panera a few mornings last week. So often I have Skype conference calls which means I tend to end up working from home but I like to get out when I can for the change of scenery AND change of coffee selection too.

I am loving my new Henri Bendel planner for this year! It’s not so easy switching planner styles (I have used the Erin Condren Lifeplanner for the last two years) but this one is SO PRETTY.

henri bendel planner and coffee

I feel like I got back on my usual track of posting last week too although I can’t guarantee to myself that it will happen six days a week, every week which is okay. There’s only so much a girl can juggle so I decided to just go with my own flow, whatever that may be.

Relieving my own mental pressure by telling myself to only post when I can truly get it done may make all the difference in allowing me to actually get it done more often. Does that make sense?

How Disordered Eating Can Start was probably my most popular post last week. I know you guys appreciate those types of posts so I do try to write on the topic as often as my brain can come up with the words to share.

I recapped my workouts in yesterday’s post but it’s worth mentioning again that the weather has been so wacky here. One day it’s warm for winter in New York and the next day it’s cold and seriously snowing. Ugh, is it March yet?


Like Saturday’s sudden and basically unexpected snowstorm put me over the edge. I was not in the mood or even prepared to be stuck in the house. My son’s hockey game was quickly canceled in the morning and the snow starting falling basically as I finished my long run but I just couldn’t give in to the weather.

Instead I went to the mall to pretend it wasn’t snowing. I managed to find myself this adorable Cozy Cold Shoulder Sweatshirt at Abercrombie which I do think you need. It’s really cute and doesn’t look frumpy so I say it’s more of a “top” than a sweatshirt.

Eventually I forced myself to go home before the roads were horrendous and glued myself to the television where I watched several episodes of Girlfriend’s Guide To Divorce.

For the longest time I avoided shows on the topic of divorce. Now though, not only can I handle them, I relate and laugh at how real they can be. I even stopped to wonder what it would be like to watch this particular show in my 20’s because no way would I get it. No way in my 20’s did I ever imagine life to be what it is in my 30’s.

If you watch Girlfriends’ Guide To Divorce and are in fact divorced, you know exactly what I mean. If you watch the show and aren’t divorced, you may think it’s fiction and over the top but trust me, it is very much reality which in some ways, still seems over the top. But it isn’t, because it’s real life. Sorry to scare you. 🙂

Recent Eats:

I finally got back to some vegetables this week! Although I can totally see that eating serious amounts of produce may really be a thing of the past, I still enjoy a salad or a slice of veggie pizza.

I had this salad at Panera while working one day. Normally I choose an apple with my salad but I went with bread this time around because I am totally off apples right now. Who am I?

Panera salad

Villa Monte makes the best whole wheat vegetable pizza. It’s so good!

veggie pizza

Oh, and I had Chinese food. Nothing like steamed vegetable dumplings, that’s for sure.

chinese food

I finally had a Red Mango parfait too! It had been way too long since my last parfait.

red mango parfait

I don’t spend much money these days when I go food shopping because I am not buying as many fresh or frozen vegetables. Please don’t ask me what it is I have been eating instead because I don’t even have an answer for you! Maybe that’s a good thing. Sometimes I wonder why we pay so much attention to what we eat all of the time?

I do still peek around Trader Joe’s to see what’s new and I swear I had never seen these chocolate chip waffles. Have they been out for a while?

Trader Joe's Chocolate Chip Waffles

You would think that with the snowstorm I would have baked something but that didn’t happen. I was absolutely not in the mood which may have something to do with being glued to my Netflix marathon.

Linking up with Meg’s Week in Review!

Do you have a favorite TV series right now? Which one?!

Have you tried these chocolate chip waffles from Trader Joe’s?

3 things you did over the weekend?

Author: The Cookie ChRUNicles

Hi! I'm Meredith. Join me while I run and cook my way through single motherhood. It is always an adventure trying to teach my 12 year old son the benefits of an active lifestyle combined with healthy eating while of course, still leaving room for dessert.

19 thoughts on “Routine, Real Life & Recent Eats”

  1. We’ve been watching the Office on Netflix lately. Rob watches newer shows but I just cant get into anything! I baked chocolate chip cookies on Saturday. Usually I make “healthier” cookies with less sugar, no butter, etc. but these were the real deal and so good!

  2. I love that planner! You’re is really pretty. I haven’t noticed those waffles from Trader Joes, but I really don’t like frozen waffles anyway.

    This weekend was pretty chill, I ran, watched the Steelers game, and tried to stay warm 🙂

  3. Right now we’re binging through Good Eats and waiting for Sherlock each week, but recently we just finished Parks and Recreation on Netflix. I am baking up a storm with all the sourdough starter I have right now – lots of bread!

  4. I did wonder about that Girlfriend’s Guide to Divorce show. It seems funny and way over the top so I’m a little freaked to realize how realistic it actually is. I’ll keep watching though because it is entertaining.

    I managed to get some more veggies in last week too, and I totally forgot to pick up apples but managed to score the peanut butter. Oops. I always get the bread at Panera; it’s too good to pass up.

    I completely understand about releasing yourself from the pressure of posting. Half the time, once the pressure is gone, typing up a post becomes no problem. It’s crazy what we do to ourselves, huh?!

    Happy Monday and thanks for linking up.

  5. Those chocolate chip waffles look good! Haven’t tried them but can’t go wrong with most TJ products.

    Three things I did this weekend:
    -Two long treadmill runs (11 on Saturday and 9 on Sunday)
    -At home date night with my boyfriend because it was way too cold to go outside
    -I got a ukele! Surprise gift from my mother hah!

  6. Awe, I wish we had that show up here. I hadn’t heard of it, and I just searched for it on Netflix and we don’t have it. 😦 Canadian Netflix is not even close to American Netflix. You guys get EVERYthing, including those chocolate waffles! I’m sad. I know what you mean about feeling grumpy about the snow. I know we’re not supposed to complain and stuff but I CAN’T HELP IT! I HATE COLD AND I HATE SNOW. Ahh. I feel better.

  7. Drooling over those chocolate chip waffles, and I love that you were able to get in some good work this week. This past week did feel more productive over here too. And you’re pretty amazing for doing almost 6 posts a week! They are always well thought out and good quality; you go Meredith!

  8. As of late, I have been watching either Law & Order SVU or Make it or break it when I have some free time from college and work!
    By the way, I love the planner… seeing it makes me want to order either that or one of the Erin Condren ones.
    Three things I did over the weekend was pick up & spend time with my boyfriend from the airport before he went back to college today, a new pilates class and of course ran!

  9. My mom just got me into Girlfriend’s Guide to Divorce. Single, 20-year old me totally can’t relate directly to it (and is a little scared that it’s actually realistic), but I was surprised at how much I enjoy it. It’s the sort of engrossing-but-kinda-lighthearted show that is perfect for distracting me from my own anxieties and to-dos.
    This weekend, I got a massage, finished my application to study abroad in the fall, and made not-quite-enough headway on my mountain of schoolwork. 😛

  10. Give yourself a break from that posting pressure! 6 days is a lot. I used to pressure myself to do 5 but realized life becomes more manageable with 4. It really does feel like a weight lifted once you tell yourself you don’t have to!

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