What I Ate Wednesday 10.12.16

red mango parfait


Oh, hi!

I am posting more than I thought I would this week which is making me happy. While I still haven’t written the speech that I have to give Saturday during my son’s Bar Mitzvah service, at least I can find the words to type up these posts in order to chat with you.

I guess that expecting myself to be able to write the speech far in advance is sort of silly since I am not a write things in advance type of person. I like to be more in the moment and usually can’t find the right thoughts and words until right before I want to hit publish so perhaps that’s how it will go with the speech. Saturday morning, I assume, is when I will figure it out and then I can print a copy and place it in my bag to bring to the Temple later in the day.

Anyway, let’s take a look at what I ate yesterday in honor of What I Ate Wednesday.


I am slowly returning to eating peanut butter. For now I am sticking to just Crunch Time from Peanut Butter & Co. because I still can’t look at the other types in my pantry but hey, it’s a start.

There’s a bit of a stock pile of almost empty Crunch Time peanut butter jars waiting to be used for oats in a jar so I decided yesterday morning after my 8 mile progression run to skip the bowl and make use of the jar to hold my post-run breakfast.

oats in a jar


Yesterday morning was busy. In addition to finishing up some work things before the holiday (today is Yom Kippur), I had to run around making final payments to the vendors for the Bar Mitzvah. I felt like such a big girl going to the bank for the certified checks!

I received an email from Red Mango earlier in the day reminding me to use my $5 reward before it expired so it was a perfect opportunity to stop for a Red Mango parfait while I was in the area.

red mango parfait

Red Mango was out of blueberries but I didn’t even care. What has happened to me?! I used to take my Red Mango parfait so seriously but now, I just don’t care that much. I added extra strawberries in place of the blueberry layer so my Red Mango parfait included original yogurt, lots of strawberries, Nature’s Path Pumpkin Flax Granola and dark chocolate chips.


They call last night’s dinner Erev Yom Kippur which is the meal before fasting for Yom Kippur, which is the holiest day of the Jewish year.

I made my usual side dishes and my parents handled the rest. There was a time when I was famous for supplying fresh baked desserts like one of my signature cookie recipes but now I think people expect me to produce roasted vegetables and potatoes more than anything else.

roasted potatoes and roasted vegetables

Aside from returning to peanut butter after that virus from a few weeks ago, I am working on getting back to my vegetable consumption. I am not loving the taste so much just yet but I am making progress because I know the nutrients are important.

I said to my mother just the other day that you would think I have consumed enough vegetables over the last few years to last me a lifetime but it just doesn’t work that way!

erev yom kippur dinner

I can’t help but always remember that I went into labor at 3:45 am on Yom Kippur 13 years ago. My due date was October 7, 2003 but my baby chose to come a day early when most of the doctors in my practice were off for the holiday. Luckily one of the doctors wasn’t Jewish and was on call.


I didn’t mind that my son requested that my parents pick up an apple pie for dessert last night because I was not about to bake. My life is so upside down right now getting ready for this weekend that I was totally fine with not being in charge of dessert!

apple pie

Be sure to check out what everyone else is eating today!

[bctt tweet=”what I ate Wednesday! #redmango #barmitzvah #yomkippur @redmango #vegetables” username=”cookiechrunicle”]

Which type of peanut butter is your favorite right now?

What are you known for making when you cook/bake for holidays/parties/get togethers?

What’s on today’s workout agenda?

Author: The Cookie ChRUNicles

Hi! I'm Meredith. Join me while I run and cook my way through single motherhood. It is always an adventure trying to teach my 12 year old son the benefits of an active lifestyle combined with healthy eating while of course, still leaving room for dessert.

22 thoughts on “What I Ate Wednesday 10.12.16”

  1. I don’t really have a favorite peanut butter- we have been ordering groceries on Amazon fresh which always seems to be an adventure because I never know exactly what will be available. I’m planning to run today but it feels like its gonna be a chilly one out there! Im so confused with how to dress because I feel like I should still be in shorts and tank tops but its definitely too cold for that.

  2. Right now I’ve been loving Crazy Richard’s Crunchy PB, Wild Friends Chocolate Coconut PB, and Trader Joe’s Almond Butter (I know that last one isn’t peanut butter but it’s close enough, haha.)

    Good luck with the rest of the preparations this weekend!!

  3. I can’t believe you went into labour on that day of all days! Murphy’s Law, hey? Good luck with the speech. I know it will be perfect. 🙂

  4. I”m glad that you can look at peanut butter again. 🙂 And that apple pie? Now, apple pie sounds really good. Apple pie is my favorite.

    This is the big week! It’s pretty exciting. 🙂

  5. I don’t have a favourite peanut butter 😛 But I can definitely relate to not really being on the veggie bandwagon. Besides things like sweet potatoes and regular potatoes, I haven’t really been eating that much… and a lot of it is because my stomach just feels so much better without them. I’m still looking into the juicing thing.

  6. Crunchy peanut butter is one of my favs, hope you are able to eat it more often soon. And those veggies and parfait look delicious! Usually for gatherings I bring cupcakes or chocolate chip cookies and a healthy side because #balance

  7. It’s so crazy how getting sick can through off your appetite long after you get over the virus. I couldn’t look at sweet potatoes for months after eating one while I was sick. I just opened up my first jar of Wild Friends Pumpkin Spice PB of fall today and it’s definitely gonna be my nut butter obsession this season! For today’s workout, I’m gonna soak up this AMAZING weather and go for a run with some stair work and maybe finish up some lower body strength I didn’t finish the other day.


  8. Oh my gosh the final countdown!! I know it will be an amazing, fantastic and very memorable weekend for your son, you & your family! Mazel! We went down to Miami to the synagogue I grew up at for children’s services with my parents. I will be so sad when my kids outgrow them!

  9. Do you open multiple types of nutbutters at once and rotate? I have a ton of new ones and I think my strategy is going to be to make it through one and then move on rather than rotating each day. I just feel like it will cut down on the decisions I have to make 🙂 ha!

  10. Love the crunch time peanut butter!

    I am absolutely known as the baker in my family (I’m actually a pretty terrible cook)! My favorite thing to bake for the holidays – Chocolate chip oatmeal bars with caramel … So, so good!

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