running shoe rotation plus workout recap

workout recap

My running shoe rotation fell off course this week which sounds totally weird if you don’t run but since most of you reading are runners like me, you will probably appreciate the conversation we are about to have.

I have a system to my running shoe rotation and I rarely deviate:

Adidas Energy Boosts = Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays (speed runs/long runs PLUS races)

Saucony Rides = Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays (easy runs/recovery runs/not looking to accomplish much runs)

I ran a race on Monday so I wore my Energy Boosts because those are my race running shoes.

Then Tuesday morning, I wore my Boosts again even though I never wear them two days in a row. I was attempting to just get back on a normal running shoe schedule!

Come Wednesday morning, I forgot that it was Wednesday because Monday off made Tuesday feel like Monday so I thought it was Tuesday which means I put my Boosts on again not realizing until I was already running.

By Thursday I wore my Boosts AGAIN because it was Thursday and I wear my Boosts on Thursdays. Then came Friday when I normally wear my Saucony Rides but I decided to run a little longer instead of running long on Saturday which meant I needed my Boosts so I wore my Boosts AGAIN.

Are you still following me? Is this too much thinking for a Sunday?

I can’t complain about my workouts though. I ran a great race in the heat and the rest of my miles were decent considering we had a heat wave going on for most of the week!

workout recap

Monday – Yoga & July 4th Race

2 Mile warm up  + 4 miles in the Independence Day Race. Recap here if you missed it!

race outfit

Tuesday – 7 Miles & Pure Barre

I ran fairly easy for today’s run even though I felt fine from the race. It had just stopped raining when I got outside so it was very humid but not sunny.

I can do humid without sun and I can do sun without humidity. It’s when I have to deal with hot sun plus humidity that I tend to struggle.


After my run, Pure Barre Tone in 10: Arms & Abs.

Wednesday  – 4 Miles & Pure Barre

There was an air quality warning and heat advisory in effect for today so I headed outside even earlier than usual to avoid the hot sun. It was humid but not unbearable.


Pure Barre Mile High DVD #1 after my run. Love this series of Pure Barre DVD’s! 35 minutes in length, just perfect.

Thursday – 7 Miles & Pure Barre

MapMyRun was definitely off by a tenth of a mile per mile so I am skipping the splits for today as they were not even close to accurate.

2 mile warm up + 3 miles at half marathon effort + 2 miles easy

Pure Barre Tone in 10: Seat & Abs

Friday – 10 Miles

I chose to run long today instead of my usual long run day of Saturday just so I could enjoy my dinner/dessert in the evening without thinking of how it may affect my run in the morning. The warm weather makes me a little more sensitive to my meals so I try to be careful in the summer.

Hot and humid is the trend this week. Brutal out there even early in the morning.


See this yellow tape? They are doing construction in my community so one little section of my running path was closed off. I tried really hard to make a mental note of this the first time I saw the yellow tape but I totally forgot and almost ran right through it like it was a finish line on several occasions.

running path

Saturday – Untimed Run

Friday night’s rain broke the humidity so when I woke up to clouds and cooler air, I just had to go for a run. I don’t really know how long I was out there exactly, maybe an hour? Maybe more? All I know for sure is that I wore my Sauconys which never happens on a Saturday!

Sunday – Rest Day

I think I told you that my one-year streaming access to the Pure Barre Pure Results workout expired recently. I want to check out the Pure Barre website to select a new steaming workout to replace it — I will look this morning!

[bctt tweet=”running shoe rotation & workout recap #running #runningshoes #race #purebarre #yoga #fitfluential” username=”cookiechrunicle”]

Do you rotate your running shoes on a strict schedule?

Best thing you ate so far this weekend?

Has it been crazy hot where you live?

Author: The Cookie ChRUNicles

Hi! I'm Meredith. Join me while I run and cook my way through single motherhood. It is always an adventure trying to teach my 12 year old son the benefits of an active lifestyle combined with healthy eating while of course, still leaving room for dessert.

4 thoughts on “running shoe rotation plus workout recap”

  1. It was SO muggy this week and that really slowed down my Thursday morning run – unfortunately the one speedwork I was supposed to do in my training plan this week! Yesterday was nicer but I’m heading out now for a later start to my Sunday run and it looks like the heat is staying put…

  2. Lately I’ve been wearing my Kinvaras for most of my runs because they’re so comfortable and I’m not doing hard runs to warrant wearing my Pure Connects. And then I just want to go shoe shopping for more to throw in the rotation!

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