what I didn’t cook & links I am loving

Links I am Loving!


You know you had yourself quite the busy week when you haven’t taken one food picture since Monday. Gosh I wish I could get the s’mores cupcake back that I had the other night so I could share it with you < – blogger brain thinking out loud.

Aside from that s’mores cupcake (and the top of an m&m’s cupcake because I can’t resist tops of cupcakes ) I can’t even recall what else I ate this week.

Oh right! I made a few servings of quinoa early in the week which acted as my complete source of protein for just about every lunch and dinner until the pyrex container of the quinoa was empty. I completely forgot that my purpose for making the quinoa to begin with was to attempt these Lentil Quinoa Meatloaf Burgers but um, they never happened.

Neither did the mustard crusted potatoes that looked so good and perfect to serve with the steak I never cooked for my son’s dinner and instead allowed him to have boxed macaroni and cheese. And if I am being completely honest, he had more bagels with cream cheese for lunch than I care to admit to preparing (where’s the protein?!) but I packed sliced strawberries for him along with baby carrots each day which in my mind, makes it all okay.

I am going to try to remember to make those lentil quinoa meatloaf burgers and the mustard crusted potatoes early next week along with maybe trying one of the other yummy-sounding recipes listed below.

I threw in some fitness and health-related links this week too because I really liked what I read and thought you would enjoy them as well. 🙂



Links I am Loving!


Fitness & Health

Binge Eating vs. Overeating <- There’s a difference AND yes, we all overeat sometimes.

How To Be Okay Gaining Weight < – If you love my posts, you will love this one too.

6 Common Deficiencies in Runners  < – I keep hearing about Vitamin D deficiencies this week.

How To Balance Running With Yoga and Cross Training Without Losing Endurance & Speed <- You know Jen’s blog was the first blog I ever read and still at the top of my favorite blogs list! This post is awesome and informative if you are trying to find the right balance between your workouts.


Spicy Sesame Zoodles with Crispy Tofu < – Already bought the zucchini.

Eggplant Cacciatore < – Chicken Cacciatore was always my favorite, I need to now make it with eggplant!

Light Coconut Shrimp & Pineapple Quinoa Skillet < – I can use the quinoa I make both for this dish and the lentil quinoa meatlof burgers that I never made last week.

Mexican Falafel < – Fun flavor twist for falafel!

17 Recipes That Swap Mushrooms for Meat < – Mushrooms really do give meatless meals a meaty texture.

Banana Ice Cream Breakfast Parfait < – My idea of a perfect meal.

Blueberry Breakfast Casserole  < – Such a great idea and so easy!

Cookie Dough Stuffed Chocolate Cupcake <- Yes, I would pick around for the cookie dough 😉

Cinnamon Baked Apples < – Love baked apples!

[bctt tweet=”What I didn’t cook and links I am loving this week #recipes #mealprep #cupcakes #linklove” username=”cookiechrunicle”]

If you have kids, what do they normally bring to school for lunch?

3 things you are doing this weekend?

Do you eat the tops of cupcakes and leave the cake part like I usually do?

Author: The Cookie ChRUNicles

Hi! I'm Meredith. Join me while I run and cook my way through single motherhood. It is always an adventure trying to teach my 12 year old son the benefits of an active lifestyle combined with healthy eating while of course, still leaving room for dessert.

17 thoughts on “what I didn’t cook & links I am loving”

  1. I pretty much lived on bagels with cream cheese when i was in middle school and high school. At least you sent some fruits and veggies to balance things out! Sometimes the tops of cupcakes are too sweet for me- I like to have a little bit of the cake part and a little bit of the topping together in each bite:) Have a great weekend!

  2. I remember the days that people would bring in bagels and schmear for homeroom. It was like a free for all to get the Asiago and super cinnamon! Seriously, cut you with a plastic knife, lol

  3. Well, today my kids are all bringing yogurt because I’ve been insanely busy and can’t handle making lunches! typically it’s something a little more substantial like lunch meat or a sunbather sandwich and I try to always throw in fruit and veggies. I do go the easy route with Annies mac and cheese sometimes too! Actually nothing feels easy, even boxed mac and cheese sometimes!

  4. Heading down to the NJ shore this weekend to spend time with my boyfriend’s family and have dinner with my grandparents, and trying to get in my first 8+ mile run of the month tomorrow morning! Also, just throw some lox on that bagel and it’s all good 🙂

    1. do you know how happy my son would be to bring lox on a bagel to school? I don’t usually send it though because I tell him his lunch will smell like fish and kids will get annoyed lol. but it’s a great idea! have a great weekend

  5. I love when bloggers post link love posts because it allows me to find new blogs that I might enjoy. I’ve been the worst at pictures lately. It means we’re out there really living life I guess!

  6. I hate making lunches! I’ll pack them a sandwich or a wrap of some sort along with a fruit, a veggie, and some cookies. They drink water from their Gatorade water bottles.

    1. I hate making lunch too! For a few years, he liked buying lunch at school which was actually a good option but then he reverted back to me making sandwiches. Ugh! School’s almost over for the year though!

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