Thinking Out Loud February 25, 2016

cookie crisp



I was going to say I still can’t find my neck warmer but then somehow we (we as in my friend Meghan and I) discovered yesterday afternoon that she had it by mistake in a pile of stuff I had given her but I can’t go to get because she has the flu and the whole process of figuring out how to get the darn scarf without getting the flu became too challenging so I will just wait.

My dad read my post last week, the one that said I had a dream about Cookie Crisp cereal so when I was sick, he brought me a box. It was good but gosh, dry cereal always tears up the inside of my mouth. This is one of the reasons I stopped eating cereal for the most part years ago.

cookie crisp

There’s lots of hockey chatter about the possibility of the Islanders looking to get out of playing in Brooklyn. I know you don’t care about this but I care about this and wonder if maybe they have read my complaints written here on the blog and tweeted on twitter and that’s what did it. You know, because my happiness as a fan matters to them a whole lot. Let’s pretend I played a role, okay? #isles

So I have this thing about pretty stationery. I love it. Always have, just like my obsession with stickers. I already started summer camp shopping for my son (crazy, I know, but it’s almost March which means almost summer which means camp preparation starts now) and the summer camp stationery is out in full force.

Is it wrong to get myself lots of cute packs of cupcake stationery so I can relive my childhood while writing him lots of letters and maybe he will even send me a letter back?

cupcake stationary

Truth: I used to love some of my stationery so much that I wouldn’t even use it. It was to pretty to write on.

My friend Meaghan found me these stickers and although they aren’t Lisa Frank, two of them are just perfect for me. And, I feel like you know me so well that you can probably guess which two stickers belong to me too.


My running friend, Carmella, (we met at the Runner’s World Half & Festival where we both ran the hat trick!) shared this running quote on facebook the other day and I just LOVE IT.


Such an empowering quite, right?! Sometimes I think we runners underestimate what it means when we run the distances that we do like no big deal. It is a big deal.

I have been really good lately about switching my phone to vibrate by 7:00 pm and not looking at it again until morning. Sure I miss texts, calls and emails but who cares! The important people know my home phone number and if they feel it’s necessary, they can call me. However, the people closest to me know to just call my son directly if they need us, he’s always up and ready to talk late because late is cool which clearly, I am not.

Don’t forget to check out what everyone else is thinking about today 🙂

Which sticker from the above picture would suit you? Did you guess the two that are perfect for me?

Does cereal irritate your mouth?

Anyone you know have the flu right now?

Author: The Cookie ChRUNicles

Hi! I'm Meredith. Join me while I run and cook my way through single motherhood. It is always an adventure trying to teach my 12 year old son the benefits of an active lifestyle combined with healthy eating while of course, still leaving room for dessert.

46 thoughts on “Thinking Out Loud February 25, 2016”

  1. That quote is very true I think, we totally lose perspective on what we do sometimes! And anyone who wakes up and runs 13 miles “just because” might have more up their sleeve, watch out! So funny about the cereal because Diana complains this is why she doesn’t like cereal. That, and then the milk makes it soggy. #kidproblems!

  2. I love those stickers! I bet you were thinking the laundry one was for you:) I would need the bra one, that is my biggest complaint about leaving the house. And that running quote is perfect. It’s so easy to lose perspective on our running when we are so used to long distances.

  3. Dry cereal is kind of hard on the tongue and mouth. I never thought about it. That’s probably why milk is a good accompaniment to it. Makes it more squishy. I wonder if your son likes the pretty stationary? Probably as long as you send candy with it he will be pleased. I think the bra sticker is one of the ones you would like :-p benefits of working from home

    1. My son doesn’t like anything girly but if I am going to send a letter, that’s what it will be on 🙂 I bought him his own sports stationery for his own letter writing. And yes, the bra sticker is mine!

  4. You know how I feel about dry cereal 😛 I actually feel like that’s all I ate this past weekend when I wasn’t feeling all that well. That and dry toast. And rice cakes. And I’m going with laundry and bra…. mostly because I feel like we’re the same person and that’s what I would go with 😆

  5. Dry cereal and granola hurt my mouth, too. I don’t eat a ton of cereal, but when I do, I don’t like it with milk (it just gets soggy, and some types, like Corn Pops and rice krispie-type cereals are worse). I usually eat it with some coconut yogurt or Arctic Zero–solves the mouth issue, and it doesn’t get as soggy with a thick base.

    1. At least I am not the only one with the dry cereal issue. They don’t all do it to me and I definitely don’t eat cereal often at all so the few times I do, I deal with it. Cinnamon cereals are the worst.

  6. Why cant Meaghan leave the neck warmer on her chair on the porch and you don’t have to go into the house….surprised you two smart girls couldn’t come up with that

    1. not to worry- we thought of it! The issue was, it was pouring outside and I was afraid I wouldn’t get to it and then afraid someone would take the bag if she left it out too long and then I would really be missing my scarf! lol I can wait until she is better to get it and then throw it in the wash. that’s the plan!

  7. Oh My Gosh!!! COOKIE CRISP!?! I forgot that stuff existed! That takes me way back to my childhood. Hope you enjoy and those adulthood stickers are fab!!

  8. I love cereal and would happily eat it for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks if that wasn’t quite so imbalanced 😉 ! I love your stickers and they would actually make me want to do something just so I could wear one of these for the day. Mine would be the snooze button for sure.

  9. I LOVE that quote!!!! So true we can underestimate ourselves as runners especially once the newbie novelty runs off and we forget how awesome it is.

    I don’t eat much cereal but salt and vinegar chips rip my mouth up like nothing else.

  10. Oh man, switching my phone to vibrate at 7PM and not checking it would be so hard for me!! I’m so glued to my phone these days, its getting to be a problem. I would definitely benefit from restricting my use of it at night!

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