What I Ate On Monday!

shrimp stir fry


It wasn’t so easy this week to decide which day to feature for today’s What I Ate Wednesday fun!

After some serious thought (all of life’s problems should be this difficult) I decided to go with Monday.



Breakfast #1:

The truth is, breakfast for me usually looks exactly the same, any day of the week.

Although this week’s oatmeal with blueberries (peanut butter added after picture taken) is served in one of my new pretty bowls from Anthropologie!

oatmeal with blueberries

Breakfast #2:

After my workout I had some of this super special oatmeal which I had made in order to take some pictures for a recipe post I am planning for Friday.

unbaked baked oatmeal

I recently (and by total accident!) created an UNBELIEVABLE oatmeal combination which I want to call unbaked baked oatmeal because it tastes like baked oatmeal from the diner but it’s not from the diner and it isn’t baked.

We will talk about it more on Friday, I promise!


This salad. Oh, this salad.

warm mushroom beet salad

I had the pleasure of having lunch at one of my all-time favorite restaurants, Mother Kelly’s. This warm-cold salad consists of tomato, cucumber, onion, goat cheese, craisins, candied walnuts, beets with grilled portobello mushroom, asparagus, roasted peppers and string beans.

I am no cheese lover but the little bit of goat cheese combined with everything else — out of control!

I would try to replicate this salad at home but I just know it would never be the same.


It’s stir fry week in our house.

I bought wild shrimp from Trader Joe’s the other day for a change of pace, mainly for my son.


The easiest and most delicious shrimp stir fry that comes together within minutes!

I should probably devote a post on the topic of how simple, quick and customizable this stir fry can be, and most importantly how you can simultaneously make a few versions if you have different diets dining at the same time.

It’s not that I don’t eat shrimp on occasion, I do, but quite often I am happy with my plant-based stir fry bowls.

stir fry

Instead of adding shrimp to my plate, I mashed chick peas in with the avocado and mixed it all around to combine nicely with the brown rice, diced sweet potato, brussels sprouts and broccoli cooked with a mix of soy sauce and sweet chili sauce.



Granny Smith Apple + Peanut Butter + Chocolate Chips = Happy

apple with peanut butter

Be sure to check out what everyone else is eating today!

[bctt tweet=”What I Ate Monday! Oatmeal, Mother Kelly’s & Stir Frys #wiaw #oatmeal #yum”]


How often do you vary your breakfasts?

Favorite type of apple?

Favorite oatmeal mix-ins?










Author: The Cookie ChRUNicles

Hi! I'm Meredith. Join me while I run and cook my way through single motherhood. It is always an adventure trying to teach my 12 year old son the benefits of an active lifestyle combined with healthy eating while of course, still leaving room for dessert.

24 thoughts on “What I Ate On Monday!”

  1. I always have the same thing for breakfast: english muffin with pb and jam and cereal on the side. And then second breakfast after. I love warm/cold salads, and goat cheese is my cheese of choice if I’m going to have some–love the creaminess.

  2. Breakfasts are the one meal that I have no problem repeating for months and months on end. But now that I’m having more smoothies, it’s gotten a little easier to vary things up since I can just change the fruits that I throw in the blender. And bananas will always and forever be my favourite oat mix ins. Those plus some almond butter and honey make my perfect bowl.

  3. Any salad with beets and goat cheese I can’t resist when out to eat. Yours sounds so perfect! And new bowls are obviously something to post pictures of! I feel like my plates are so boring now since I see them in pictures constantly.

  4. Ooh that stir fry looks so good! I love shrimp in my stir fry and yours is so colorful!

    How often do you vary your breakfasts? Not too much – weekdays it’s almost always egg whites + veggies. Yup, creature of habit 🙂

    Favorite type of apple? Pink lady, gala, fuji – but I like pretty much any apple but red delicious.

    Favorite oatmeal mix-ins? I hardly EVER have oatmeal anymore – but I would probably like honey, cinnamon, or any other sweetener like that.

  5. I used to always consume the same breakfast day after day. These days though, I really enjoy changing it up. Like today I had a random snack plate for breakfast. Two rice cakes – both topped with 1 tbsp. nut butter. One had grapes on top & the other had 1/2 banana. I also had 2 scrambled eggs on the side. It was delicious!

  6. Our kids all love shrimp too but Andrew and I don’t care for the texture. Shrimp and mushrooms make that little squeaky sound when I sink my teeth into them. shudder My favourite oatmeal mix-in will forever be chocolate chips and half and half cream.

  7. I love honey crisp and Pink Lady apples. YUM!!
    I sometimes vary my breakfast, but usually I eat the same thing for a week and then move on to something else for the next week.

  8. You know my non-ass ass is loving that veggie stir fry for dinner. I actually have some leftover from Monday. I normally add cheese for my protein but I’m thinking your chickpea idea is pretty fantastic. Happy WIAW! Er, I mean Monday. 🙂

    P.S. Goat cheese is amazing.

  9. I think goat cheese is the only cheese I would eat knowing that I was going to suffer later. It’s just sooo delicious – and the best combination is in a salad with beets!

  10. Change up my beloved protein zoats? NEVER! hahaha. It’s one of those things that its a mix between I just love it and can’t see a morning without oatmeal but it’s also the fact that its my preworkout meal and it just fuels me the best and sits nicely. Favourite add ins? banana (melted) and I have been on a pineapple kick lately, toasted nuts for a lil crunch, peanut flour, cinnamon and of course nut butter!

    I would be all over that salad btw. It looks amazing and despite not really being a cheese person (lactose intolerance probably is the reason for that mostly), goat cheese is my jam!

  11. That salad looks amazing! I always get one with beets and goat cheese when I’m out because somehow it never tastes as great when I try to recreate it at home!

  12. Ooh… Hmm. I haven’t been varying my breakfasts lately. I’ve been kind of in a rut, but Sarah @ Creating Better Tomorrow posted a bunch of overnight oat recipes, so I did that for breakfast this morning. It was yum. So I think, as I have more time, I’ll stop eating as much yogurt, and do something different. Ooh, and I like Honeycrisp apples. They fit their name SO perfectly. 😉

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