Coffee Makes Us Kinder People & Other Thoughts



Because it’s Thursday and this sums up my current mindset.


We had another snow day on Monday which I don’t think I told you about.


If we want to get technical here it was more of an ice day than a snowstorm day but that doesn’t matter at this point.

What matters is that my son was home from school again, making it three Mondays in a row due to winter weather.

I was never this lucky as a kid!

So…he sort of found Jerry Springer on television during this ice day home from school.

At first I wanted him to turn the nonsense off to protect my somewhat still innocent little boy but then I remembered I was watching Jerry Springer before Jerry Springer was Jerry Springer along with rest of the line up of Geraldo, Donahue, Maury Povich and Oprah probably at his age, if not younger.

And when he threw in that he was watching the show to learn what NOT to do in life, I decided for the first time that perhaps Jerry Springer was actually educational in really twisted way.

I really miss Oprah. Don’t you?

I learned so much of what I know from her and watching episodes of her Life Class on demand now is not the same.

I need her every day life opinions. I need her assistance to trigger Aha! moments and I need her what to do if you are stuck in your car and suddenly submerged in a river emergency tips.

Please tell you remember those episodes?

I needed her a whole bunch last week as I learned about the crazy deadly horrific Metro North train crash.

Did you hear about it? I know it made national news.

I can’t stop wondering how or why that poor woman tried to cross the train tracks in her car, ignoring the flashing red lights that were screaming CAUTION THE REALLY BIG TRAIN IS COMING.

Why she stopped on the tracks, got out of her car (on the tracks!) to check the damage from the crossing gate that closed on her car, why she didn’t run, why she got back in the car and why she didn’t back up to avoid the train.

I know I would never pass those flashing warning railroad lights but I am sure Oprah reminded all of us anyway to use caution at train crossings and not attempt to outrun a train.

I like to think that in the heat of the moment I would remember these safety precautions, utilize my Oprah knowledge in a pinch and not freeze up but who knows, right?

And I think it’s the who knows that scares me.

None of us really know what we would do when faced with the really scary and sudden situations until we are already in it with a split second to think about our next action.

It also scares me that I find myself working with not one, but two mugs lately.

coffee cups

I mean, at least one of the mugs is tea and the tea is even decaf. And, I aim for refilling the coffee mug more often with decaf coffee than regular coffee so that counts for something, right?

It’s just so darn cold here. I need hot beverages at all times. I am trying to keep up with my water glass too but gosh, just thinking about drinking water gives me an inner chill these days.

People who hold a hot mug of something in their hands are nicer than people who don’t have something warm in their hands, did you know that?

Yeah. It’s a thing.

I once learned that drinking warm beverages and just holding that warm cup triggers something warm and fuzzy inside making people smile more often thus kinder in our actions.

Therefore, my current double mugging is helping me to become a nicer person which really, is a blessing for all those who come into contact with me making the caffeine part of the equation justified.

Be sure to check out what everyone else is thinking about today!

[bctt tweet=”A warm mug makes us kinder people and other #thinkingoutloud thoughts #coffee #oprah #ahamoments”]


What are you drinking right now? Coffee or tea or something else?

Favorite talk show?

If you drink Yogi tea, which is your favorite flavor?


Author: The Cookie ChRUNicles

Hi! I'm Meredith. Join me while I run and cook my way through single motherhood. It is always an adventure trying to teach my 12 year old son the benefits of an active lifestyle combined with healthy eating while of course, still leaving room for dessert.

31 thoughts on “Coffee Makes Us Kinder People & Other Thoughts”

  1. I really miss Oprah too. She was always on at the perfect time and I’d watch her with my mom after she got home from work. Good times. And I’m actually sipping on my favourite cinnamon spice tea as we speak, but I’ll probably switch over to coffee soon. I’ve been having a pretty tough time with water lately too. Just too cold.

  2. Drinking coffee right now! I am all about constantly having a warm drink in my hand. I think red wine counts as a “warm” drink too right? I mean it may not be hot, but its also not really cold like most other drinks. And I definitely thinks it makes people nicer.

  3. Ha- I love your son’s reasoning for watching Jerry Springer! That is great! And yes, people are MUCH more kind, happier, and all around more pleasant with a cup of coffee in their hands. I totally agree!

  4. Coffee (this morning, right now at Uncommon Grounds), The View, Ginger.

    It’s 23 degrees, which is supposed to be the high for the whole weekend here. Mostly single digits with wind chill into the 20 below zero range . . .

  5. I often feel like my own life is like a Jerry Springer show. 😦 If drinking two mugs of hot bevvies make you write like this, then keep it up! I loved this post today. You’re hilarious!! I drink coffee from fresh-ground beans brewed in a french press. I do love English Breakfast tea later on in the morning and then another cup of coffee in the afternoon.

      1. I see both of your comments, unless the wine consumption has me seeing double and if that is the case, then there goes my responsibilities and my underwear! Just like any other night, I suppose. 😛

  6. I currently have a vent flat white on my desk! Couldn’t agree more about warm drinks needed during these frigid temps! I am way nicer because of it 🙂 But who am I kidding. I like a warm drink no matter the temperature outside.

  7. Hello! I’ve stopped at your blog a few times now (have seen you on link-ups!) and wanted to comment today because I completely miss Oprah, too. I’m sorry to hear about the train accident…that sounds awful. I live in DC and while it’s a completely different scenario, there was a metro accident here a month ago that was sad and just made you kind of want a hug. From Oprah, specifically. Oh, and I also agree that warmer beverages in winter make us normal people. Anything warm makes me happier and much kinder…my fiance can attest to that!

  8. Right now I am drinking a Sprecher’s Hard Root Beer…it’s a bit early for alcohol for me, but my best friend from my childhood just recently moved back in next door to me and we are making up for lost time!

    I KNOW for a fact that coffee makes me a WAY nicer person. I give up caffeine periodically and I am not a very nice lady on those days.

  9. I used to love Regis and Kelly so random !!! I love coffee but chai tea is a close second 🙂 We better stock up on all the hot beverages we can because it’s going to be FREEZING this weekend.

    1. I can’t even believe the crazy cold that is coming…I watched Regis and Kelly a little bit too but missed most of the show since I was in school when it aired. I was allll about the afternoon talk shows lol.

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