Pure Barre Craving & Random Friday Stuff

nike sneaker boots

So I had a craving yesterday morning and it wasn’t for what you are thinking.

pure barre

As you know from reading my weekly workout recaps, I have been keeping up with Pure Barre from home by following the DVD versions of the classes on what pans out to an almost every other day basis.

But sometimes, like yesterday morning, I sort of miss the actual Pure Barre studio class setting.

I thought of it like a pedicure, as in, I deserved it and needed it and then I further justified paying the $25 per class fee by telling myself it was for blog purposes because you needed me to go back to the Pure Barre studio after working with the DVD’s to see how similar/different they really are.

My thoughts:

* I really do love the class.

* I like that the instructor is there to check my form and fix my leg, foot, arm and posture.

* The live class is a good twenty minutes longer than the DVD version mostly because of the addition of the extra arm routine as well as extra sets added in during the warm up, thigh work and seat work portions.

* The Pure Barre DVD”s have definitely kept me in lift, tone and burn shape.

* My core has become much stronger since my one-month membership ended back in August which means the DVD’s have been doing their job. I was able to keep up with the routine yesterday without feeling the need to stop as often as I did in the summer.

* The specific exercises performed yesterday have varied since the summer which I really liked because I learned some new moves that I can do from home.

Overall I think that doing the Pure Barre routine via DVD  on a regular basis can and will produce the same results as the actual class.

I do love attending the live classes though and may consider treating myself once a month or once every other month  just to mix things up, see some new moves and challenge myself a bit more.

I wish the price wasn’t so high and that the packages were a better deal but yesterday was really fun. Craving satisfied.

Anyway, by the time Friday rolls around, I have a running list of what I meant to say all week.

On the radio the other day I heard something interesting about yawning.

I know that yawning can be contagious and that sometimes just thinking about yawning will make you yawn (like right now) but they said something I found fascinating…

It seems that yawning is the body’s way of helping the brain stay alert. AND,  they said that athletes often yawn prior to the start of a big event to assist the brain in performing to the best of its ability.

Well, how do like that? I am always yawning while I stand in the corral waiting for the race to begin which always frustrates me because I assumed it meant I was starting to get tired or didn’t get enough sleep or something.

Oh and I saw these “Sneakerboots” at the Nike store earlier this week and really liked them.

nike sneaker boots

I can’t say that I would actually wear them but the kid in me really wants the colorful pair.

nike sneaker boots

They are sneakers but like boots because they are waterproof and designed for the bad winter weather which I can’t even start to think about just yet because I am not ready.

I know that last week I said I rarely eat pasta which is true but this week I found myself pinning some pasta recipes that look really good:

Pan Fried Butternut Squash Pasta

Pumpkin Mac And Cheese

And I really liked this morning’s Hungry Girl Newsletter:

Budget Friendly Recipes With Seasonal Fall Produce


This week is a blur but I am glad it is Friday. I have one last long run before taking it a bit easy to prepare for next weekend’s Hat Trick at the Runner’s World Half & Festival.

Hmm, what exactly was I thinking when I decided to run three races in two days?


Who else is running with me next weekend at the Runner’s World Half & Festival?

Do you yawn a lot?

Are you a pasta lover? If you have a terrific recipe, feel free to share the link in the comments!



Author: The Cookie ChRUNicles

Hi! I'm Meredith. Join me while I run and cook my way through single motherhood. It is always an adventure trying to teach my 12 year old son the benefits of an active lifestyle combined with healthy eating while of course, still leaving room for dessert.

11 thoughts on “Pure Barre Craving & Random Friday Stuff”

  1. I have been yawning all morning because I took a rest day and didn’t run! I find it so hard to wake up without running…coffee just isn’t the same. I really like those boots because I hate wearing real snow boots! They look like they may actually be comfortable!

  2. OMG my husband gets into these yawning jags and it drives me NUTS. That said, I used to do the same thing at the gym. But that was because I needed oxygen 😀
    Are you stalking Pure Barre??

  3. I like classes. I like the social aspect and the trainers there to push you. But I also like the privacy and convenience of home workouts. Going off the yawns, they say if your lay down and visualize your run, your brain goes through the same thing as if your really running. I forgot where I read that. Probably runners world. Our basketball coach used to make us visualize before every game.

  4. I love barre classes so much but can’t justify the cost anymore. There’s actually a studio within walking distance of my house and a lot of women I know go often so it’s really tempting. I might try to justify a package as a birthday or holiday gift to myself, but really it’s just too expensive! Loved the classes though back when I did them.

  5. I find that I start yawning the most when I’m not getting enough oxygen… so if I’m slouched over or my chest is tight from stress. Then my brain will kind of force a yawn out of my because it’s like taking a big huge breath. And I wouldn’t say I’m crazy about pasta… but I really do love a good mac and cheese!

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