Coconut Flour Chocolate Chip Cookies (Gluten/Dairy Free)

coconut flour chocolate chip cookies

I love these coconut flour chocolate chip cookies. Do I really need to say more than that today?

chocolate chip cookies gluten and dairy free

So I finally bought coconut flour. Amanda is always making something with coconut flour (most recently her oatmeal cookie dough mug cake) and I felt really left out so I picked up a bag of it at Target a few weeks ago.

While I haven’t made her mug cake yet, I have been experimenting at my leisure with the coconut flour, making coconut chicken tenders for my son, a new kind of three-ingredient protein pancake and now, coconut flour chocolate chip cookies.

Why coconut flour?

*Grain free

*Gluten Free

*Healthy fats

*High in Protein

*Light texture

*Great flavor

While this coconut flour chocolate chip cookie recipe uses old-fashioned rolled oats as an ingredient, so long as you choose gluten-free rolled oats, the cookies are completely gluten-free.

It is also dairy free if you use dairy-free chocolate chips (Enjoy Life brand are easy to find in Target).

Lately I use those Reynold’s baking sheets to cover my pans which means there is no spraying or greasing of the cookie sheets and the cookies transfer perfectly without a mess left behind to clean.

chocolate chip cookies gluten and dairy free

The texture of these coconut flour chocolate chip cookies is chewy yet slightly crumbly without falling apart and my favorite part of course, lots of chocolately chips in every bite.

I can’t even say that the coconut flavor overpowers or stands out – there’s just a perfect ingredient combination going on inside each cookie.

Make these chocolate chip cookies this weekend, okay?!

gluten and dairy free chocolate chip cookies


Have a terrific summer weekend 🙂

[bctt tweet=”Chocolate Chip Cookies made with coconut flour #glutenfree #dairyfree #chocolatechipcookies #recipe”]


Do you bake with coconut flour often?

Who is running a race this weekend?

I feel like making muffins. Which is your favorite? Chocolate chip, blueberry or corn?

Author: The Cookie ChRUNicles

Hi! I'm Meredith. Join me while I run and cook my way through single motherhood. It is always an adventure trying to teach my 12 year old son the benefits of an active lifestyle combined with healthy eating while of course, still leaving room for dessert.

18 thoughts on “Coconut Flour Chocolate Chip Cookies (Gluten/Dairy Free)”

  1. I’ve yet to have good luck with coconut flour. I finally just chunked mine (which I never do). I don’t know what it is about me, but apparently, I just lack the touch for it!

  2. I have only been baking with coconut flower since I started eliminating excess gluten from my diet. I also like that they tend to make baked goods a little denser. Toasted blueberry muffins with butter are my absolute favorite treat! Second are Dunkin Donuts chocolate chip muffins… haha random but I love the sugar sprinkles on top 🙂

  3. I love baking with coconut flour, but I can only use it following a recipe. I haven’t figured out how to make my own recipes using it! These look amazing.
    I am supposed to do a 5k on Sunday…hoping its not too hot!
    Anything with chocolate chips wins for me:)

  4. I could eat chocolate chip cookies for every meal. My favourite muffins are orange/cranberry but not the dried cranberries–I love the big juicy ones. And I’m racing a half marathon on Sunday!

  5. You had me at chocolate and gluten free! It’s been way too long since I’ve had a chocolate chip cookie. Time to change that this weekend.

    Have a fantastic weekend Meredith.

  6. Goodness just last night I was proclaiming my love of chocolate chips- especially in cookies to my mom. In my humble opinion, no cookie is complete without chocolate chips. The ones I feature in my latest post look just like these except the base is chocolate too! They’re also made with coconut flour- I really enjoy the flavor and texture of coconut flour. These cookies will definitely be made in our house!

  7. Perfect timing – I just bit the bullet and bought some coconut flour after seeing a lot of Amanda’s recipes also! I didn’t for months because I tend to just use the Bob’s All-Purpose GF and sometimes the sorghum flour, and reliably get through them. But for example, I made corn muffins awhile back, and make them occasionally but now have a 2-lb bag of cornmeal just sitting there that I don’t foresee using a whole lot until the autumn, and the cupboard gets crowded… I think it won’t be an issue with the coconut flour though 🙂

  8. Aaaand now I seriously want cookies. Thanks 😛 I love coconut flour, but I don’t always have the best time baking with it. It’s awesome in no-bake bites and mug cakes, but my ratios get messed up when I bake and sometimes things come out way too dry and crumbly. These look awesome though!

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